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Request Membership in Redwoods
indicates a required answer
Thank you for your interest in applying for a tutor position in our Tutorial Program.
Our Tutorial Program is held on Wednesdays at Liberty Baptist Church in Bristol, CT.
Interested candidates should complete this application. We will conduct prescreening phone calls (to answer candidate questions and to ask preliminary questions). Qualified candidates will be scheduled an interview. Our pre-interview form, cover letter, resume, and references will be submitted prior to the interview. Signing in agreement to our Statement of Faith and passing a background check is required.
Full Name
Phone Number
Highest Level of Education received
Major area of Study
List other relevant certifications or credentials
Briefly describe Teaching or Tutoring experience. Include at what institutions/organizations, subjects or courses taught, grade levels of students, and any notable achievements or responsibilities.
Subject area(s) of interest that you'd like to teach at Redwoods.
List your class proposals here using this format:
Class Subject, Class Title, age range of students, one sentence objective of class.
Availability request. Check all choices that you are available to teach.
Note: Each time listed is the class period time.
Please use this space to further explain anything.
Briefly describe why you should be considered as a tutor for Redwoods.
Our Statement of Faith is found here. Please mark all that apply.