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When and Where do you meet?


We meet at Boise New Hope Church of the Nazarene on Friday mornings from 9:30-12:30.


What does a typical day at FHL look like?


Our families start arrriving around 9:15 to check in and get their supplies into their classrooms. We begin our morning with an opening in the gym where we make announcements and say a prayer and pledge to the flag. First period begins promptly at 9:50 and we have three 50 minute periods throughout the morning with a 5 minute break between each. When third period is over at 12:30 we all pitch in and clean our classrooms and common areas. This should only take about 10-15 minutes if everyone helps or there was a very messy project for the day. Once the church is cleaned, we are free to leave.


What are the dues used for?


Dues are for insurance, website fees, rent, basic supplies for co-op, and special events.


How do you pick your classes?


Our classes are suggested and voted on by our members twice a year. We do our best to honor the vote and go with the most popular classes in each age group. Sometimes alternate classes are chosen by the leadership because a teacher can't be found or other logistical issues.


Do I have to teach?


You are asked to teach two out of the three periods and you are paired with another person. Often, co-teachers alternate weeks and share the responsibility. Occasionally someone is really passionate about a class, wants to take the lead, and is okay with the other person being a helper and backup when the main teacher is gone. It is up to the two co-teachers to figure out how they are going to share the load. We also try to pair veteran members with incoming families so they have an opportunity to learn our culture. 


Do any of your classes have extra fees?


Some classes have material needs above and beyond what the co-op typically provides. Sometimes instead of a fee the teacher will provide a supply list. All additional material requests and supply fees will be clearly stated in the description area when registering for a class.


I don't see grades listed. What class should my child be in?


Because homeschoolers often fluctuate between grades, our classes are offered by age. Our cutoff is October 1st of the current school year and students will remain with that group for the entire school year (both the fall and spring semesters).


I have contacted FHL in many ways but no one is getting back to me. Why?


We do our best to respond to messages as quickly as possible but sometimes we do forget. Please keep in mind that we are all busy homeschooling moms so it may take a few days. If it has been more than 7 days, feel free to contact us again and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


What are you looking for in a background check?


Our goal is to do our best in maintaining the safety of the children and families at co-op. If you have a concern of something that may be on your background check, please reach out to the leadership team for guidance. Background checks are mandatory for co-op participation and we update them every three years.


How many teens do you have?


We get this question a lot! Our student ages fluctuate as our families grow and shift. We estimate we will have approximately 40 students between our 11-13 and 14+ classes for Fall 2024.


How many families are in FHL? How many kids?


We have an enrollment cap of 41 families and we are usually full so it is important to make sure you are on our Waiting List if you are interested. While family size varies, we average a little over 100 children spread across all classes.


I work or have other responsibilities during co-op time. Can I drop my child off or have a current co-op family bring them?


We are not a drop off program. We are an all volunteer co-op and rely on our parents to teach and help in the classes.


Can I just take one or two classes?


No. FHL is set up so that everyone is involved for the entire morning. All students must be enrolled in and attend one class per period in their appropriate age group. The parent from each family is required to teach during two class periods and be available to sub during the third.