Untitled Header Image “ Untitled Header Image “The oak tree is a reminder that the strength and beauty of a community comes from its diversity and resilience.” – Unknown Visitor Days March 28 Untitled Header Image



What day of the week does your co-op meet?


Heritage Oaks meets one day a week on Fridays for classes. Field trips or other special events are occasionally organized on other days.


Does a family have to sign up for all classes or can they choose a la carte?


Families may choose whatever is best for their family. You may choose to come for all or some of the classes. However, we do prioritize registration for families choosing to enroll in all morning classes and then open up registration for families who want to use the a la carte option. 


Are parents required to volunteer or teach?


Yes, Heritage Oaks is a volunteer-based co-op. In order for classes to operate smoothly, all parents are required to volunteer during the class period's they attend. All parents are required to teach something during the year (either all or part of a class). 


The only exception is when a parent pays a Drop Off Fee so their child may attend without them.


What kinds of activities do you do at Heritage Oaks?


In addition to classes on Fridays, Heritage Oaks offers a variety of extra fun things that build community and friendships for moms and students. 

Those activities include: 

  • Holiday Parties
  • Field Trips
  • Monthly Pizza Lunches
  • Quarterly Teen Social Activities
  • Mom's Nights
  • Recognition Night