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Who is SHIELD?


SHIELD is a Christian Co-Op offering social activities and enrichment classes (Friday School) for Nursery - 12th grade homeschool families. Most of our families live in Northwest Houston, with a lot of our activities taking place near the Cypress area. 


What are the requirements to be a SHIELD member?


Social members are required to attend (2) social events per semester and assist in planning (1) activity/event per semester (options will be provided as to which planning group suits your abilities to best serve SHIELD kids).

These requirements are not applicable to Friday School families. 


What is the cost to join SHIELD?


The yearly fee to be a member of SHIELD is $40, valid Aug 1 - Jul 31. Renewals are due by July 31 each year. As we offer a lot of activities throughout the year, there is no discounted rate for joining later in the school year. Social members will be added to our private Facebook group and can participate in moms' night out, teen events, park days, running club, field trips, field day, and our end of year summer celebration. 

Friday School membership is $30 per semester. For renewing members, this fee is due by the last day of the current semester to hold your spot for the upcoming semester. Class fees for Friday School vary from semester to semester being typically $5-$10/per class per student.

Friday School waitlist - if you are interested in joining SHIELD and coming to Friday School, you may have to be on the waitlist for a semester or two until a spot opens up. In order to be on the waitlist you must be a social member. Starting Fall 2023, you must attend at least 2 social events and tour Friday School in order to be considered for enrollment. It is free to be on the waitlist, however once a spot opens you will pay the additional $30 for that semester to reserve your spot. 


What type of social activities does SHIELD offer?


SHIELD is a volunteer co-op with varying social activities on our calendar. We have regular amazing field trips that can be local to the area and be as far as 2 hours away with costs varying between $0-$20+ per person depending on the activity. We have moms' night out events throughout the school year, park days, a mileage club, teen events, a Christmas party, field day, and end of year summer celebration party just to name a few! 


What is Friday School?


Friday School is our enrichment classes that take place in the Spring and Fall for 8-10 weeks. It is on Friday mornings in the Cypress area. These classes are parent led and vary from semester to semester offering hands on art classes, STEM classes, drama, messy science, history, singing, etc...  Classes are divided into age groups from the nursery up to teens and are taught by parents in the group. Class fees can range from $5-$10 depending on the class activities. This is a true co-op and at least one parent in each family must participate in Friday School, there is no drop off. Parents are required to teach an age group.  

To participate in Friday School, you must have at least one child Kindergarten age (5) or older. 


How can I get more information?


Would you like more information about SHIELD? Interested in signing up for a tour of Friday School? Follow this link and we will be in touch soon! 


How can I join SHIELD?


1) Fill out a Membership Request form on our website. This is emailed to the board and we will get back to you with additional information once your application has been reviewed.

2) Pay the $40 social membership fee, then you can be approved to access the website. We accept payment through PayPal only using the email address: shieldchristiancoop@gmail.com.

3) Log in to the website and fill out the 5 required forms: SHIELD Waiver of Liability, SHIELD Statement of Faith, SHIELD Code of Conduct/Dress Code Agreement, SHIELD Photo Release, and SHIELD Social Member Planning Group Options. These can be found under Membership Information> Membership Forms once you log in.

4) When you have completed all of the forms and paid your membership dues, your membership process is complete. Take a look at our website calendar to view and sign up for upcoming activities.

5) We have a private Facebook group for members only where we share lots of news and updates. If you are on Facebook and would like to join the group, please let the Membership Director know. In addition, let us know if you are interested in being placed on the waitlist for Friday School.