About Us
Welcome to the
EXEL Homeschool Co-op Website!
The purpose of this co-op is to come alongside local like-minded Christian homeschool families (with at least one child kindergarten age or above) in the Canton, TX area, bringing encouragement, social involvement, and engaging academic classes with a focus on mastery of essential educational skills and excellent moral character values. We are a parent-run, volunteer co-op; therefore, parental participation is mandatory in order for the co-op to function.
** Registration is open June10-24. Look for information on our public facebook group or in the calendar on this website. If you are interested in more information before that, please email us! Exelcoop@gmail.com. Be on the lookout for information regarding our new "Field Trip/Special Events Only" group.
EXEL Board
Our fees are $40 per child with a max of $120 per family per semester. Each class has a supply fee, which is set at the beginning of each semester for the purpose of purchasing supplies needed for the class.
How to Register
1) Click here "Request membership in E.X.E.L. Co-op" and follow the prompts.
2) Discuss/interview with a board member to ensure a positive experience for both your family and our co-op.
3) Upon board approval, you will have access to the next steps of the process, including the registration forms that need your agreement in order to proceed.