Waukesha County Christian Home Educators Waukesha County Christian Home Educators Waukesha County Christian Home Educators Waukesha County Christian Home Educators Waukesha County Christian Home Educators Waukesha County Christian Home Educators

Waukesha County Christian Home Educators
Homeschoolers Supporting Homeschoolers

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."     Proverbs 22:6  KJV        

Waukesha County Christian Home Educators (WCCHE) strives to support new and seasoned homeschooling families primarily in Waukesha County. We welcome homeschool families of all educational philosophies.  As our title states, this is a Christian based group.

The WCCHE group was started for the purpose of informing homeschooling families about activities associated with homeschooling. Our website has many aspects to help you find classes, field trips, activities, sports, and other areas of interest for all age groups. There is also a forum page set up for you to ask questions. It is useful to enable you to stay connected with others who are homeschooling in your area. 

Our goal is to provide a community of support and encouragement through the sharing of information as well as through member-initiated organization of activities for member families. This community is primarily web-based and we do not meet together as a group on a regular basis. WCCHE is not (nor does it host) a Co-op.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at waukeshacche@gmail.com

Considering educating your children at home? Making the decision to Homeschool can be the beginning of a wonderful journey in education for the entire family. There are as many reasons to homeschool as there are homeschooling families. A fellow homeschooler, the library, and the internet are great resources.   Another good place to start is to go to the library and check out books on homeschooling.  There are many in the Waukesha County Library system.

For those considering homeschooling, reading the book, "Homeschooling in Wisconsin - At Home with Learning", published by the Wisconsin Parents Association (www.homeschooling-wpa.com) is an excellent place to start. This book and many others on homeschooling are available within the Waukesha County Public Library system.  The internet is also an excellent source of information. We hope you will find the information on this website useful in answering your questions and in directing you to resources and support available to you.

If you need more information about homeschooling and/or homeschooling in Wisconsin, check out the organization below.

Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association (WHPA) - is WI's grass-roots organization that helped write our great homeschooling laws back in 1984. Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a state-wide, inclusive, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the right and freedom of parents to provide an education to their children according to their own principles and beliefs.

You must submit to the DPI form PI-1206 between the 3rd Friday in September & October 15th of each year (if you start homeschooling after the 3rd Friday in September, you should file immediately).  You can get information on how to do that here.

If you have any questions regarding WCCHE or homeschooling in general, please feel free to email us at WaukshaCCHE@gmail.com

WCCHE maintains a clear delineation between virtual charter schools and Home-Based Private Education Programs (Homeschooling) and accepts only HBPEP (Homeschool) families for membership.  

WCCHE does not accept membership applications from families with students only enrolled in Virtual Charter Schools (which are public-school programs done "at-home", etc.) or in WI-Based Private-school "at-home" programs (your child is enrolled in a private school, not in your HBPEP). Since these children are enrolled in a school, not in your homeschool, you would not be filing a PI-1206 form for those children as they are included in the school's enrollment count.

You do need to be filing the PI-1206 form for at least one child to be elgible for membership in WCCHE and we may request a copy of your PI-1206 form for verification.

For more information about WI's various Virtual Charter School programs, you can visit the DPI website: Virtual Charter Schools

New Membership

To log into our secure site, you must first become a member by completing the online membership registration form and paying the group membership fee. The membership year is from October 1 to September 30, and the cost for joining is $15.00 regardless of when you join. Keep in mind that WCCHE is NOT a co-op nor do they host one. The fee above is for the fee that Homeschool-Life charges for each member & a small amount towards the amount of insurance that WCCHE carries for events.

WCCHE Membership is OPEN and is accepting new members! smiley

After your approved Membership form, Insurance Waiver form, and fee have been received, you will receive approval via e-mail to access the entire website. 

Who is a homeschooler in Wisconsin?
Definition of a Home-Based Private Educational ProgramWI statute 115.001(3g)

“‘Home-based private educational program’ means a program of educational instruction provided to a child by the child’s parent or guardian or by a person designated by the parent or guardian. An instructional program provided to more than one family unit does not constitute a home-based private educational program.” (WI stat 115.001(3g))

A Home-Based Private Educational Program (Homeschool) reports their enrollment numbers annually to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) via eForm PI-1206 (Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction).

Please note that the State of Wisconsin defines Virtual/Charter schools as public schools, and all children enrolled in them are considered public school students even though they may receive instruction at home. Students enrolled in any Virtual Charter school (including schools like BVA) or in WI-Based private schools (including schools like AOE) are not included on PI-1206 forms and are not considered to be homeschooled in Wisconsin.

**Please note**
WCCHE does not accept memberships from families who are only utilizing Wisconsin's Virtual/Charter Public Schools (this include public school-at-home programs like Bridges Virtual Academy & Rural Virtual Academy) or private schools (including private schools who are only in their school PT and do lessons at home PT or in WI-based Private-school-at-home programs).
 You may be asked to provide a copy of your PI-1206 form. Thank you for understanding.

The above delineation is in no way meant to be a “judgment” on families who utilize brick-and-mortar/virtual charter public schools or regular private schools for some/all of their children. In fact, WCCHE respects the right of the parents in each family unit to choose whatever they deem to be an appropriate educational program for each child. Wisconsin Parents Association (WPA) and the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), both strongly recommend that homeschool associations ensure that public/taxpayer funds are not used within private homeschool groups. Our membership policy is simply meant to protect private homeschoolers from possible government intrusion that may occur when taxpayer funds are used for private homeschool activities.

2024-2025 Renewals

2024/25 Renewals started on October 1st and finish on October 15th.

What do you need to do to renew this year?

1. Login

2. Update your Profile (yes, even if you have just updated it previously in the last 24 hours or if you just joined in the last week - it all gets reset to reflect the 2023/24 dates at renewal time). smiley

3. Go to your profile and update the "Adult and Youth Waiver & Release of Liability" e-form (this is a legal document, so first AND last names of all people listed are necessary), if needed. It is right at the top of your Profile Page. Brand New Members since August 1, 2024 do not need to do so unless there are changes to be made.

4. Pay your Renewal invoice (brand new members since August. 1, 2024 will NOT have one because you just joined the group and we extend a grace period for August/September new members ). laugh

5. Go have a cuppa and read a good book with your children!

WCCHE Statement of Faith

  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life
  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension and His return in power and glory.
  • We believe that man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is therefore spiritually dead and at enmity with God.
  • We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man and requires belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on the cross paying the penalty for man’s sin.
  • We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict men, regenerate the believing sinner, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in
  • Jesus Christ and that lesser doctrinal differences which may exist should not hinder the cooperation of Christian home educators.
  • We believe that marriage is ordained by God, is between one man and one woman as set forth in the Bible, and is intended to be a picture of Jesus Christ and the Church.
  • We believe God has given parents the ultimate responsibility to guide the education of  their children in the training and admonition of the Lord, and has given them the authority over their children

    We understand that not all members may be in agreement with each detail in our Statement of Faith and Purpose Statement. We do not ask for anyone to formally agree with them, but simply ask that those who disagree not to hinder them.

WCCHE Purpose Statement

WCCHE's Purpose Statement

Waukesha County Christian Home Educators (WCCHE) is an all-volunteer network of new and seasoned Christian homeschooling families in and around Waukesha County, organized for the purpose of encouraging each other to provide a Home-Based Private Education (homeschooling) for their children in keeping with Biblical principles.

We welcome homeschooling families of all educational methods and philosophies. 

Our success, as that of any homeschool support group, depends on the willingness of members to contribute by volunteering to plan and participate in activities. Everyone is encouraged to share and participate at whatever level they feel comfortable.


  1. to offer resources, encouragement, and support to those who have chosen to homeschool.
  2. to assist those who are considering homeschooling, so they can make an informed choice.
  3. to encourage educational and spiritual growth for homeschooling families by offering seminars, workshops, lectures, and other opportunities.
  4. to facilitate the social and educational growth of homeschooled children, by offering field trips, group classes and other activities.
  5. to facilitate an informed community awareness of home schooling.
  6. to share opportunities offered by other homeschoolers and those in the community that could be beneficial to member families.

We understand that not all members may be in agreement with each detail in our Statement of Faith and Purpose Statement. We do not ask for anyone to formally agree with them, but simply ask that those who disagree not to hinder them.