Parents Educating on the Treasure Coast High School & Middle School Activities Sign Up NOW!!! Sign Up For Graduation By Feb 28th!!! Park Days!!! Spring Recycle Party March 24th!!! Field Day April 3rd!!!

Payment Information

Membership Renewal Begins August 1st and ends August 14th (just before co-op registration) --Your membership is good for the entire year if you renew during this window.

  • Annual membership for 2024-2025 is $45.00 per family (If you apply during Aug-Jan)
  • Half year Membership is $30.00 (Starting Jan 1st - May 31st)
  • Summer membership is $15.00 (June 1st - July 31st)               
We ask new families interested in joining our group to please start by reading the information found on the sidebar, "Request Membership".
Under 'Request Membership"  you will fill out the application and have access to all the links needed to complete your registration.
Payment is due when you submit your membership application.  Should you not pay immediately, please log into your account and pay from your Statement of Account (this is all you will have access to until your PETC membership is approved -- pending final payment and completed forms).
For current members, please log-in to your account and click on the 'Paypal logo' button in the top right corner.

Please NOTE:

  • Send an email to,  Membership Coordinator if your PayPal account name differs from the name used in the application you submitted to us.

We accept membership all year round, but we encourage families to join at the beginning of the school year and take advantage of the activities that run only during the school year like our PETC classes and soccer program. These have deadlines for signing up.