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Membership Agreement


Membership Agreement
Revised Jan. 2013

Mission Statement

Parents ETC is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, volunteer-led support group providing resources for educational activities, communication, encouragement, fellowship, and information to home school families; and to establish a support network for Home Education Leaders of the Treasure Coast.

Parents ETC was established with Christian values, and its Board of Directors must sign a Statement of Faith that affirms basic Christian beliefs. However, PETC is open to any homeschooling family, regardless of religious or denominational affiliation. Members will not be pressured to change their religious beliefs in any way. Because the organization has Christian roots, aspects of the Christian faith may be expressed in its activities and communication from time to time. 

Membership Benefits

Parents ETC is a member-driven support group, and as such encourages participation and welcomes ideas and suggestions from its members for activities and events. These include field trips, co-ops, guest speakers, and any extra events that would be beneficial to the home school community and our support group. The Board of Directors must approve all activities that are sponsored through Parents ETC.

The following will be provided as part of membership dues:
  • Membership to Parents ETC, including all rights as a member.
  • Annual membership card (printable from the website) which may be used for identification as a home educator for store discounts and other purposes.
  • Opportunity to participate in Parents ETC-sponsored co-ops, field trips, academic events, competitions and other activities.
  • Access to ‘members only’ sections of the Parents ETC website, including the opportunity to include a family “mini page” on the website.
  • Inclusion in the End of Year Celebration.
  • Upon written request, a copy of the End of Year Financial Disclosure Statement.
  • Support, encouragement, and fellowship with other home schooling families.

Membership Requirements

Membership is open to anyone interested in home education. Members must meet and agree to the following qualifications:
• I will respect the mission and purpose of Parents ETC.
• I have read and agree with the Membership Agreement.
• I have electronically signed the Parents ETC Liability Waiver. 
• I have paid the current annual membership dues.
• I have completed the online Membership Form.
• I agree to volunteer for at least one activity as noted on the Membership Form.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to deny membership if it is determined to be destructive to the group as a whole. In the event a member fails to uphold the Membership Agreement, the Board of Directors will take the following actions:
• first offense- verbal or written warning
• second offense- suspension of membership benefits for a period of time to be determined by the Board
• third offense- termination of membership with Parents ETC.

*  In cases where the Board of Directors deems it necessary, the Board reserves the right to skip these steps and immediately terminate the membership.

Expected Conduct

Please remember that your conduct at any Parents ETC-sponsored event reflects not only the image of Parents ETC, but also all home schoolers in general.

• Parents are responsible for the behavior and actions of their children at all times. Children are not to be left unsupervised at any activity. No children are to be allowed outside of any building Parents ETC is using without a parent’s complete supervision.
• All members (parents and children) will respect any facility used or visited by Parents ETC. This includes proper use and treatment of furniture and equipment, being mindful of noise levels, and not running or rough-housing indoors.
• There will be no destruction of property (including carving, writing on or defacing property; littering; and willful or accidental damage to property). Parents will be held financially responsible for any damage (accidental or otherwise) that their family or their guest may cause to a facility or property in use by Parents ETC.
• All members (parents and children) will be respectful to others by using appropriate and respectful language.
• Music used or listened to at any Parents ETC function must be honoring of family values.
• Parents and children are required to dress modestly at Parents ETC functions. Appropriate clothing should cover all private body parts. At no time should undergarments be visible. Clothing should not have any words or pictures that would be considered offensive or rude.
• There is to be no public displays of affection between older students at any Parents ETC function.
• If you have a concern about another child’s conduct, please address it with the child’s parent in a courteous manner. If you feel the matter is not resolved, contact a member of the Board.
• The Board of Directors may request changes in behavior as necessary. If the behavior is not corrected, the person may be asked to leave the event.
• Parents should notify the Event Coordinator in advance if they will be unable to attend an event due to illness or other circumstance out of their control.

Policies and Procedures

The Board of Directors may revise the terms of the Membership Agreement at any time. All members will be given notification of any changes via electronic media.

Written requests to cancel membership via mail or electronic media shall become effective immediately.

The Board of Directors shall be self-appointed. Following are the requirements for Board members:
• Be an active member of Parents ETC.
• Be a current home school parent through either FL home education law or a “600” umbrella school.
• Have home schooled for at least three years.
• Agree to a minimum of a one-year commitment to a position on the Board.
• Have the spouse’s consent and support.
• Uphold the Statement of Faith required by Parents ETC for Board members.

It is the Board of Directors’ belief that with our purpose to offer support and encouragement to all home school families through our involvement on the Board, it is structurally important that Board members be comprised of strong Christian leaders who will set positive examples and maintain integrity.


Parents ETC was established with Christian values, and its Board of Directors must sign a Statement of Faith that affirms basic Christian beliefs. However, PETC membership is available to any homeschooling family, regardless of religious or denominational affiliation. PETC Members will not be pressured to change their religious beliefs in any way. Because the organization has Christian roots, aspects of the Christian faith may be expressed in its activities and communication. 

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God.
All Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, and training in righteousness.” 2Timothy 3:16
We also believe in the Trinity, that the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit are one God. We also believe that Jesus Christ was God in human flesh, being fully God and fully man (except that He was sinless).
John 1, Philippians 2:6-8, 1 John 3:5
We believe that sin has separated all people from God. That the penalty for sin is death, and that our relationship with Him can only be restored by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God, in His mercy, chose to save us from death and eternal separation by giving His Son, Jesus Christ, as payment for our sins.
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9
Salvation is offered to everyone as a free gift. This gift must be individually received in faith, not trusting in good works, but only in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ’s death paid the penalty for our sins.  Romans 6:23, Acts 16:30-31, Titus 3:5, 1Corinthians 15:3, Romans 5:6-8
We must personally receive Jesus Christ as savior and Lord:
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12, Revelations 3:20
I have read and believe the above truths ______________________________________