Information for Instructors (page 2)

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Minimum and Maximum Number of Students

Small class sizes are highly valued by homeschoolers. Historically, courses at PHS average 8 students with the majority of courses fairly evenly distributed in a shallow bell curve between 4 to 12 students.

Minimum Student Number

Please consider your minimum number carefully. This is not your ideal number of students but the smallest number for whom you are willing to teach this course.

The most common minimum number is 4 students.


Maximum Student Number

The most common maximum number is 15 students.

Most of our classrooms won’t comfortably seat more than 15 students plus an instructor, and our smallest classroom will comfortably seat only about 8 people. The Fellowship Hall is reserved for courses needing space for significant student movement, such as fencing, dance, and theater.


Minimum Student Date

If you do not specify a Minimum Student Date, your deadline will be assumed to be 2 weeks prior to the start of classes.

We create our course schedule based on the interests indicated by our current members, but sometimes, for a variety of reasons, that interest doesn’t translate into actual class registrations. To allow both students and instructors time to make alternative plans, courses that have not enrolled their Minimum Student Number by their Minimum Student Date will be canceled. Cancelation is automatic. If your course does not reach its minimum registration number before midnight on your Minimum Student Date, all enrolled students will be automatically unenrolled.

Instructors are encouraged to monitor their registration numbers as any requests to adjust minimum enrollment numbers must be made before their Minimum Student Date. If it appears that your course will not meet your Minimum Student Number by your deadline:

  1. You may opt to lower your Minimum Student Number, but you are also then committing to teaching the course with that lower number.

  2. You may opt to extend your Minimum Student Date but you are then also extending both “the last day that those registered for the course may ask to cancel their registration and be guaranteed a full refund” and your “Payment Due Date.”

  3. You may opt to adjust your age range, if applicable, within the PHS age range of 10-year-old middle school students through 19-year-old high school students.

  4. You may accept that the course is quite likely going to be cancelled due to low enrollment (but may still be saved by last-minute enrollments).

  5. You may not ask to cancel a course prematurely as co-op volunteers will have been spreading the word about your course to the local homeschool community, including your Minimum Student Date, and interested families may be depending on being able to time their decisions based on that information.

Requests for changes must be emailed to our co-op’s Lead Volunteers before your Minimum Student Date.

PHS Registration Historical Data

  • 33% of registrations happened the day registration opens

  • registrations dribbled in at a fairly steady rate after that

  • 75% of registrations were completed by 4 weeks prior to the start of classes

  • 80% of registrations were completed by 3 weeks prior

  • 85% of registrations were completed by 2 weeks prior

  • 90% of registrations were completed by 1 week prior

  • 10% of registrations happened during the week immediately before classes begin

  • a small number of registrations happen the week (or two) after classes have begun


Payment Due Date

Tuition and supply fee payments will be due the day after your Minimum Student Date. This policy helps instructors avoid paying fees on tuition refunds.


Class Registration Deadline

Instructors also set the last day that students can register for each of their courses. If you do not specify a Class Registration Deadline, it will be set to the day prior to the second class session (meaning that late-registering students may miss the first day of class but no others).

Students may continue to register for (non-canceled) courses after the course’s Minimum Student Date until the course reaches either its Maximum Student Number or its Class Registration Deadline.

Pro-Rata Tuition

Instructors set their own policies for adjustments to tuition for any late registrations made after the first day of class. Because one of our co-op’s Lead Volunteers will need to make any adjustments to automatically-created invoices manually, instructors are responsible for informing our co-op’s Lead Volunteers of any invoices needing adjustment.


A note about displayed registration dates

Since instructors who are not also PHS members do not register for courses, your website account will be assigned to a non-registering section. That means that you may see “Signup for this class will open on 12/31/2999 at 12:00 AM CST." Rest assured that class registration will open on time for co-op members. (It is a long-standing feature request with Homeschool-Life for the non-registering sections to instead display no date.)


Refund Policy

Your “Minimum Student Date” is also the last day that those registered for the course may ask to cancel their registration and be guaranteed a full refund.

Currently, PayPal states that while there are no new fees to issue the refund, the fees you were originally charged will not be returned to you. That is a disingenuous game of semantics: Refunds will cost you money.

To help instructors avoid the cost of refund fees, our co-op discourages families from paying tuition until a course’s Payment Due Date, but the registration system our co-op uses cannot prevent earlier payment.

  • Refunds are not automated. Instructors must log in to their PayPal accounts and manually issue refunds.

  • Instructors are responsible for promptly issuing full refunds for tuition and supply fees for class registrations canceled by midnight on a course’s Minimum Student Date.

  • Cancellation requests must be forwarded manually by a co-op volunteer, so it is conceivable that you will not be notified of an on-time cancellation request until the next day.

You are responsible for knowing and understanding PayPal’s current refund policies.

Refund Policy for Late Cancellation Requests

Instructors set their own refund policies for cancellations that do not drop the course below its Minimum Student Number after the course’s Minimum Student Date.

You can offer no refunds, partial refunds, or even full refunds. You can refund the supply fee but not the tuition or the tuition but not the supply fee. You can offer to refund only if a replacement is found. Etc.


Tuition and supplies fees


Tuition is typically between $8 to $12 per student per hour.

Tuition should reflect the instructor’s educational qualifications, expertise in the subject matter, and experience with teaching.

When setting your tuition and supplies fee, also keep in mind the economic reality that homeschool families tend to be single-income families with limited budgets.








Family Pays

Instructor Receives

Family Pays

Instructor Receives

Family Pays

Instructor Receives

Family Pays

Instructor Receives

Family Pays

Instructor Receives


(12 weeks, 15 hours)












(16 weeks, 20 hours)











PayPal’s fee structure is subject to change. It is each instructor’s responsibility to check PayPal to determine whether or not the above numbers are still accurate.

Tuition adjustments

Should you ever have a reason to offer a student an adjustment to their tuition or a supply fee credit, you have two options:

  1. Request that a replacement invoice be generated to reflect that change if the student fees have not yet been paid.

  2. Request that an adjustment be made to the student’s account if the student fees have already been paid.

    • Refunds are not issued automatically; instructors must log in to their PayPal accounts and manually issue refunds!
      Refunds are not recorded automatically; instructors must notify our co-op’s Lead Volunteers of any refunds issued. Please provide the date of the refund, the amount, and the PayPal transaction number.

The most common reasons for tuition adjustments are to waive tuition for the instructor's own children, to offer reduced or waived tuition to students acting as classroom assistants (such discounts are not required as leadership opportunities can be part of the educational experience), and to adjust the supplies fees for students who paid for some or all of the supplies during a prior semester.



Instructors may charge a separate supplies fee in addition to tuition. Supplies fees will be invoiced with tuition when a student enrolls in the course.

Supplies fees must reflect the actual value of the items to be supplied to students (incidental expenses are covered by tuition). Instructors must include information about what supplies are included in the fee and how supplies will be distributed.

Don’t forget to take into account PayPal fee deductions when setting your supplies fee.

Required Materials

You should also let students know in advance if there are any supplies that they need to purchase independently. Do they need to purchase a textbook, software package, or online subscription? Do they need to wear particular clothing (to allow for movement or to protect their clothes from materials used in class)? Should they bring along a laptop and power cable? A notebook and pencil? A water bottle? Will they need to purchase materials to complete a project?


Curriculum and Textbook

Our host website has three dedicated text fields when setting up a course description:

  1. Curriculum

  2. Textbook

  3. ISBN (of the textbook) — this ensures students purchase the correct edition

If you are using a curriculum or textbook, be sure to let us know so we can get them properly entered. You should also let students know if this is something they need to purchase independently or if it is something you will be providing as part of their tuition or supplies fee.


How are instructors paid?

Instructors at Planet Homeschool are paid (1) directly by the individual families whose students enroll in their courses (2) via PayPal (3) through a Homeschool-Life-generated invoice. *

Payments must be made through the Homeschool-Life invoicing system to be automatically recorded. Instructors are expected to email our co-op’s Lead Volunteers to promptly notify them if they receive any payments outside of that system.

Payments cannot be classified as “Friends and Family” transactions and PayPal fees will be deducted, so those deductions should be taken into account when setting your tuition and supplies fee.

PayPal currently takes 3.49% +49¢ per transaction, but that information is subject to change and should be confirmed with PayPal. You can use a PayPal Fee Calculator to determine how much you’ll receive.

You do not need an invoicing system, just an account at PayPal. PHS needs to know the email address you use for that account. Invoicing is then handled by our website host, Homeschool-Life.

Your PayPal Account Name

To ensure that no one mistakes a tuition payment for fraud, it’s important that the name of your payment account in our co-op’s class registration system matches the name on your PayPal account.

For most people, their PayPal account’s name is the same as their own name, but sometimes it’s a business name, a spouse’s name, a legal name, a nickname, or a former name.


One-Day Class Cancellations

Co-op-Wide Cancellations

Should weather conditions make travel to or from our co-op inadvisable or make conditions at Faith UMC unsafe, our co-op’s Lead Volunteers will strive to make a decision about whether or not to hold in-person classes by 8:00 AM. Please read our full inclement weather policy.

While Faith UMC strives to not interrupt our schedule, they may ask us to cancel classes to accommodate a funeral or other important community gathering. This is very rare, but it has happened. It is also conceivable that physical conditions at Faith UMC, such as a heating or plumbing failure, may make meeting unsafe. In those unlikely circumstances, our co-op’s Lead Volunteers will first strive to find an alternative meeting location before making the decision to cancel classes.

In the case of a co-op-wide cancellation, instructors are not expected to issue partial refunds to cover the missed day but are encouraged to provide alternative ways to keep students on track such as providing students with a plan for independent work to cover the material for the week or hosting an online class meeting if students are willing and available.

Scheduled Inclement-Weather Makeup Day

Our co-op has a scheduled inclement-weather makeup day at the end of the spring semester for spring semester co-op-wide cancellations due to inclement weather. Spring semester instructors should plan to be available to teach on that date.

We are not able to schedule an inclement-weather makeup day for fall semester classes.


Class Cancellations by the Instructor

If you, the instructor, need to cancel classes due to illness, family emergency, transportation failures, or other planned or unforeseeable circumstances, you are free to set your own policies for how you wish to handle this. Keep in mind that your students will still be at PHS even though you are not.

Some options to consider:

  1. Finding a substitute instructor, if possible. In the past, instructors have had colleagues, advanced students, former students (graduates), or an experienced parent, guardian, or caregiver step in to facilitate a class.

  2. Providing students with a plan for independent work to cover the material for the week. You’ll want an adult volunteer to monitor the kids in the classroom.

  3. Holding a makeup day on an alternate day, either online or in-person at an alternate location, if you can schedule one that works for all your students.

    • PHS's leased space is not available for use outside of our co-op’s scheduled days and times.

  4. Issuing a partial refund for the missed day.

Instructors are responsible for communicating class cancellations to:

  1. their students

  2. their students’ parents, guardians, and caregivers

  3. our co-op‘s Onsite Volunteers for the day

  4. our co-op’s Lead Volunteers

The easiest way to communicate with your class is to post an Announcement on your Class Home Page and then click the icon to email that announcement to all your students plus their parents, guardians, and caregivers.

The easiest way to communicate with both Onsite Volunteers and Lead Volunteers is to post to our co-op forum.

(To clarify: If the co-op cancels all classes, then our co-op’s Lead Volunteers are the ones responsible for communicating the cancellation. In that circumstance, you only need to follow up with any plans you have for keeping students on track.


Our location

All in-person classes take place at Faith United Methodist Church, 2708 33rd Ave NE, Saint Anthony Village, MN 55418. Faith UMC is on 33rd Ave between Stinson Blvd and Silver Lake Rd.

Saint Anthony Village (SAV) is a small first-ring suburb surrounded by northeast Minneapolis, Roseville, New Brighton, and Columbia Heights. SAV is unique in that two-thirds of the city is located in Hennepin County while one-third is located in Ramsey County. Faith UMC is in Hennepin County. Because most of Saint Anthony Village shares the 55418 ZIP Code and Post Office with northeast Minneapolis, the address for Faith UMC will often come up as in Minneapolis rather than as in Saint Anthony Village.

There is a large parking lot and a bike rack. Metro Transit Route 25 stops at the corner of 33rd Ave and Belden Dr.


Physical Space

floor plan of Planet HomeschoolPlanet Homeschool has access to 5 classrooms plus the kitchen and Fellowship Hall for a total of 7 spaces per class period.

  • The Fellowship Hall is generally reserved for courses needing space for significant student movement (fencing, dancing, theater, etc.).

  • Two of the five regular classrooms have a sink.

  • One classroom has an electric stovetop and oven in addition to its sink.

  • Two classrooms and the Fellowship Hall have a piano.

  • Two classrooms are approximately 24x20 feet (including the room with a sink and stove), one is a tad smaller at 23x20 feet, one is closer to 13x20 feet, and one is about 14x16 feet (and has the other sink).

  • Church furniture takes up some floor space in each room.

  • All classrooms have a whiteboard as does the Fellowship Hall. The kitchen does not have a whiteboard but we have a portable one available for use. PHS supplies dry-erase markers and whiteboard cleaner.

  • Our kitchen access includes the use of a gas stovetop, gas convection oven, refrigerator, sink, and a Hobart dishwasher.

    • PHS pays a substantial additional fee to rent the kitchen for cooking classes.

    • Health regulations must be followed for food handling and cleanup.

    • Additional equipment should be supplied by the instructor, including bowls, utensils, and cleaning supplies. (Instructors may also require students to supply some or all of their tools.)

    • Food may not be stored between class sessions)

  • One classroom does not have outside windows, although it does have a window into the Fellowship Hall foyer.


Room 116


Room 119


Room 115


Room 114


Room 121


Fellowship Hall



outside windows



















room for significant student movement







electric stovetop and oven


gas stovetop and oven




Hobart dishwasher











Proposals should include information about physical space needs such as access to a sink, stove, piano, larger floor space, etc.

  • Tables are standard plastic-topped 6x2½-foot banquet tables. Tables can seat up to 8 people, but depending on the preferred room layout and tabletop space needed by students, between 2 to 6 is most common. (5-foot diameter round tables are also available. These also seat up to 8 people.)

  • Chairs are standard metal folding chairs.

Onsite Storage

Instructors should expect to transport the bulk of their materials and equipment to and from PHS weekly.

Onsite storage is limited. If equipment or supplies need to be stored onsite, email our co-op’s Lead Volunteers a detailed description of what needs to be stored and how much space will be needed so that they can determine if adequate space can be made available.


Entrance to the Building

Instructors, students, volunteers, and visitors should enter Faith UMC using the south door at the back of the building. This door leads directly into the ground-floor classroom hallway, so it is also the most convenient door to use.

An exception is made for instructors bringing in and removing supplies for classes in the fellowship hall and kitchen, who may make use of the closer east door for loading and unloading purposes only. However, supplies must then be carried down a half-flight of stairs, so you may find it easier to use the south door and roll your supplies down the hallway.

The east door may also be used as an accessible entrance for those with disabilities. There is an elevator to the classroom level, which may only be used by those who need that accommodation.

A co-op volunteer unlocks the doors at 8:45 AM and another volunteer makes sure the doors are locked again at 3:20 PM — or as soon as cleanup is done.


Room setup

example room set up planStudents are responsible for setting up the classrooms according to instructor preferences. setup for the day begins at 9:00 AM. Students will set up classrooms for their first class but also make sure that any additional tables and chairs needed for the second, third, or fourth periods are in the room (folded up and tucked out of the way).

To facilitate setup, room layouts are provided in each room’s cleanup kit that shows how tables and chairs are to be placed for the first class in the room and what needs to be stowed in the room for subsequent classes. Instructors are expected to work with our co-op’s Lead Volunteers to ensure they have the information they need to create these layouts and to email them about any necessary revisions.

In general, preschool-sized furnishings are moved to the side and stacked to free up floor space. Then standard-height 6-foot x 2½-foot folding tables and standard folding chairs are brought from the storage closet in the back of the Fellowship Hall and set up according to instructor preference.

Any additional tables and chairs needed for subsequent classes are also brought to the room during the setup period. They are stowed folded up and out of the way. This is done so that will be no need to disrupt classes in the Fellowship Hall to obtain them later.

Click for some sample room layouts.


Room Cleanup

Students are also responsible for cleaning up the space between classes and at the end of the co-op day.

While an Onsite Volunteer will be on hand to direct cleanup, instructors are encouraged to remind students of this responsibility at the end of fourth period.

Students will wash whiteboards, wipe down tables and chairs, return folding tables and chairs to the closet in the Fellowship Hall, vacuum carpets, sweep floors, return church furniture to the church’s preferred setup, and empty waste bins. Cleaning supplies are provided.



All classrooms are located on the ground floor. The Fellowship Hall and kitchen are a third-floor lower than the classrooms but there is a ramp between the two levels.

Doors are not automatic or power-assisted and door handles are old-fashioned knobs rather than levers.

There is one single-occupancy restroom (plus one single-occupancy restroom with preschool-sized fixtures). Another restroom offers two stalls and two sinks. A third offers one stall, one urinal, and one sink.


Course Promotion

Planet Homeschool volunteers will promote upcoming courses internally via our online forum and publicly via our Facebook Page and other social media. Information about upcoming courses is also shared with other local homeschooling groups.

Instructors are expected and encouraged to assist with spreading the word about their upcoming courses. One way instructors can do this is by liking, sharing, and commenting on social media posts promoting their courses.


Course Descriptions

Instructors should provide a complete description of their course(s). This often includes scope and sequence information, what type of resources will be used, and any projects/homework that may be expected. Well-designed homeschool classes often include open-ended assignments that students can meet at their own interest and academic level.

See our co-op’s Course History for examples.

Course Prerequisites

If your course presumes students have any prior knowledge or skills be sure to state them.

It’s a good idea to let students know if a course will, for example, require extensive reading and/or writing (and if this will be done during class or independently at home), mathematical skills such as algebra or geometry, manual dexterity, physical stamina, etc.

Homework Commitment

If this course involves homework, it is useful for students to know beforehand how many hours per week they will typically need to spend on the course outside of class time.

Group work requirements

It is useful to let students know beforehand if this course will require them to coordinate schedules or communicate via email, the Class Forum, or other online formats with classmates outside of class time.

When assigning group work outside of class, please keep in mind that our members live all over the greater metropolitan area and are normally together only once a week. This does not mean that you can’t assign group work, you just need to be mindful of the complexity it introduces and let students know about it before they sign up.


Instructors are asked to assist Planet Homeschool with promoting their course by providing images of course materials, projects, or concepts. Parent or legal guardian permission should be obtained before sharing photos of students online.

Images can be of:

  • materials used in the course
    books and magazines, DVDs and CDs, tools & equipment, supplies, etc.

  • course projects
    completed artwork, papers, props, costumes, displays, etc. from past courses or samples made by you — student names must be obscured unless written permission is obtained from both parent or legal guardian and student

  • action photos from past courses in progress
    with written permission from both parents or legal guardians and students

  • free images from Unsplash, Wikimedia Commons, Library Of Congress, etc.
    the license must be Public Domain (CCP or CC0), CC BY, CC BY-SA, or CC BY-ND

  • purchased images

Promotional images can be submitted to our co-op’s Lead Volunteers via email.

See our co-op’s Course History for examples.


Instructor Profiles

About You

The instructor profile includes an instructor bio where instructors can tell students and their families about themselves.

Some things you might choose to include in your profile are:

  • your credentials, qualifications, experiences, and interests related to the topics you propose to teach

  • your teaching philosophy or style

  • a bit of personal information such as your family, pets, hobbies, and interests

  • your personal experience with homeschooling

Returning instructors should review their instructor profiles annually to see if they are in need of revision.

Instructor Headshot

We will use your headshot to promote your courses on our website and on social media.

Returning instructors should click through to their detailed instructor profile to:

  1. confirm we have a headshot for you

  2. and that you are still happy with it

Email new headshots to

If you are teaching with a co-instructor, you will each have your own instructor profile and so may submit separate headshots.

You may provide an action shot instead. That would be an image that includes more of you than your head and shoulders and shows you engaged in an activity.

Name formatting

Instructors should specify how they want their names to appear in course listings (for example, Deborah Jones, Debbie Jones, Deb Jones, Dr. Deborah Jones, etc.).

Unfortunately, Homeschool-Life’s instructor profile tool currently offers a First Name field and a Last Name field. If your name has more than these two parts (such as Neil deGrasse Tyson), then where you include your additional name(s) will impact how your name is alphabetized. For example:

   Last, First

   deGrasse Tyson, Neil

   Tyson, Neil deGrasse


Most instructors use no honorific unless they have a doctorate (in which case we encourage you to use Dr.). However, honorifics can be included in your instructor profile if you wish. Unfortunately, the instructor profile tool only supports a limited number of options, which are currently: Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mx., Rev., Br., and Sr.


Most instructors at PHS are listed as the course’s “Instructor” but we are able to customize this field to instead list you as the course’s “Coach,” “Director,” “Facilitator,” “Guide,” “Mentor,” “Professor,” “Trainer,” “Tutor,” or for those of you co-teaching, “Lead Instructor” and “Assistant Instructor.”

While we appreciate creative course titles, your own title should be fairly standard, mundane, and informative.

You may use different titles for different courses.

Instructors should also let PHS members know how they prefer to be addressed (for example, Jane, Ms. Jane, Ms. Smith, Dr. Smith, Coach Smith, Coach, Teach, etc.). Providing this information can help reduce student anxiety and makes it easier for co-op volunteers to ensure they refer to you in the manner you most prefer.


Planet Homeschool serves many transgender, gender-fluid, and gender non-binary students, and we are committed to creating a safe and respectful space that makes them feel seen, included, and cherished. If you misgender someone (that is, if you use the wrong pronoun or noun when referring to someone), offer a very short apology, correct yourself, and move on. For example, “If you stand there and she stands, excuse me, if he stands there, then we can ….” Similarly if you are corrected after misgendering someone, offer a short apology, correct yourself, and move on. For example: “Is she still in the hallway?” “They.” “I’m sorry. Are they still in the hallway?”

We encourage you to let your students know what pronouns you use for yourself and to ask your students what pronouns they use for themselves, but we understand that not everyone wants to announce their pronouns. You are in control of how and when you share this information. You may also change your pronouns at any time.


Communicating with Families

Instructors are expected to provide students and their parents, guardians, and caregivers with an email address where they can be reliably reached. This email address will be included on member-only portions of our website (login required to view) and will also be provided to prospective members if they have questions about your course that they would like to have answered before deciding whether or not to sign up.

Providing a phone number for students and their parents, guardians, and caregivers is optional but encouraged.



Each instructor will have their own instructor profile with their own contact information, photo, and bio.


Open House Party

While this event is dependent on a volunteer willing to take on the task of event organizer, if possible there will be an Open House Party on the 15th scheduled week of our co-op’s 16-week Spring Semester.

Instructors are encouraged to plan for classroom visitors on that day. Some visitors will stay for the entire class, otherwise will drop by for a few minutes to observe.

Classes are also encouraged to create exhibits and displays of class projects for the Fellowship Hall lobby.

There will also be an opportunity for short demonstrations of student skills at a brief Lunchtime Presentation. All instructors are encouraged to attend the Lunchtime Presentation to give a very brief introduction of their upcoming classes. Because the lunch period is only 30 minutes, demonstrations should be kept to 3 minutes in length and introductions should be less than a minute.


Website account

All instructors are required to have a website account. (Instructors who are also parents, guardians, or caregivers of current PHS students may use their family website account.)

Once your course is selected, new instructors will need to create a website account. The signup form is designed for members not instructors:

  • You will need to complete all required fields

  • You may delete the entire Children section

An invoice for the standard membership fee will be automatically created when you complete the form. That invoice will be canceled and may be safely ignored. You’ll receive an invoice for your instructor class fee shortly after your course(es) is confirmed.

Co-Instructors and Shared Website Accounts

If you are teaching with a co-instructor(s), you may share a website account. If you wish to create separate website accounts, there is a single $10 annual fee for each additional account (this is a per-account fee, it is not per course and not per semester).

If you choose to share your website account, it may take some fiddling to get your names to display nicely because Homeschool-Life assumes that each account is associated with two adults sharing the same last name. The best option is to use this format:

  First adult’s last name: Your business name

  First adult’s first name: Your full name (First1 Last1)

  Second adult’s last name: [blank]

  Second adult’s first name: Your co-instructors full name (First2 Last2)

This will get formatted on various parts of the website as either

  “Business Name, First Instructor & Second Instructor” and as

  “First Instructor & Second Instructor Business Name.”

If you have three co-instructors sharing an account, use this format:

  First adult’s last name: Business Name

  First adult’s first name: First1 Last1, First2 Last2

  Second adult’s last name: [blank]

  Second adult’s first name: First3 Last3


Class Dashboard

Our website provides an online Class Home Page for each course that offers:

  1. Class Forum: A dedicated online discussion forum just for you, the students enrolled in the course, and their parents, guardians, and caregivers.

  2. Email individual students and their parents, guardians, or caregivers.

  3. Email only the parents, guardians, and caregivers of the students enrolled in the course.

  4. Class Assignments: Post and email assignments; attach files of all sorts; link to external websites, videos, and more; students can then submit completed work as file attachments or as links (such as to a Google Doc or Google Drive) and ask questions about the assignment; instructors can answer questions and provide feedback on submitted work

  5. Class Announcements: An area at the top of your Class Homepage for important announcements. Announcements can also be sent via email to students enrolled in the course and their parents, guardians, and caregivers.

  6. Class Resources: Attach a syllabus or link to an online textbook. These are persistent resources that are displayed at the top of your Class Homepage.

  7. Class Media: Post links to online meetings or to pre-recorded videos

  8. Class Attendance Tracking: Optional but useful

  9. more

File formats accepted for attachments include csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpg, m4a, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, and zip.

In addition to the Class Home Page, the website also offers member-only photo albums and an online co-op calendar. There is also a dedicated Forum for instructors.


* Some instructors who have been teaching at PHS since before we had an online invoicing system still accept payments only via check, but all new instructors are expected to accept payments via PayPal as checks require additional volunteer hours to manage. Checks are mailed to the co-op’s Finance Director, who records payment and delivers the checks to the instructor on the first day of class.

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