Information for Instructors (page 3)

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COVID-19 and Online Synchronous courses


We plan to continue to offer a mix of in-person and online classes for the time being.

While we have no plans to cease holding in-person classes, instructors should be prepared for an all-online format due to COVID-19 or another health emergency.

All online courses must be synchronous (aka real-time or live) classes that provide students with the opportunity to interact with each other and the instructor.

Technical Requirements for Online Courses

In order to successfully teach an online course, instructors must have:

  1. A reliable and fast Internet connection.

  2. A computer capable of handling the software needed to run an online course.

  3. The technical know-how to effectively run online classes.

  4. The willingness and ability to regularly monitor email-based communications and respond to student queries in a timely manner and an awareness that online courses often require additional electronic communications to be effective.

Video Conferencing Software

In a member survey, members indicated a preference for the Zoom platform, but you will need to invest in the Pro plan to teach weekly 75-minute classes, which currently costs $14.99/month or $149.90/year. Other platforms include Amazon Chime, BlueJeans, Discord, Fuze, Google Meet, GoTo Meeting, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Webex, Zoho Meeting, etc.

Many current PHS instructors are now quite familiar with Zoom and willing to help new instructors get set up and share tips on how to get the most out of the platform. Students who have a preference for Discord have also offered to assist instructors with setting up and learning to use that platform.

At-home physical space requirements for an online course

If classes move online, you’ll need to let students know about any additional needs at home to successfully participate in the course. For example, a crafting course may require substantial tabletop or counter space while a course involving physical movement may require sufficient floor space.

Online classes are held on days other than Fridays

With only 5 minutes between class periods on Fridays, it is difficult for students to choose to take both online and in-person classes on Fridays. For this reason, online classes are scheduled for other days of the week. Because we only have access to our physical space on Fridays, this means it is not possible to transition from online classes to in-person.

Impact of COVID-19 on Enrollment

In order to sustain a full schedule of 25 courses per semester, our co-op needs around 60 member families, and historically our co-op has averaged between 60 to 65 members (with occasional lulls and surges). Unfortunately, COVID-19 has decreased our membership numbers and this has resulted in a higher-than-usual number of course cancellations due to low enrollment. Instructors should be prepared for it to take a year or two for our co-op to rebuild membership numbers.


Recap of Essential Information for Prospective New Instructors

  1. Planet Homeschool is a co-op, not a school

  2. Course proposals should be unique.

  3. Start with a single course.

  4. Interest doesn’t always equal commitment.

  5. Communication is key.


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