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All About Classes

Class Schedule

Classes currently meet on Fridays August - May from 9 AM - 3 PM.

Breaks, holidays, field trips, and special activity days will be listed on our yearly class calendar.

We offer weekly and biweekly (every other week) classes. Our goal is to provide a diverse selection of classes our students will be excited about. Classes range from supplemental, social, and enriching to early learning, academic, and credited.

Key Club meets biweekly. Student Council meets monthly during lunch.


Members Participation is Required
SWGHA is a non-profit organization that runs on volunteers. Each member family is responsible for volunteering for an event and activity each semester. Each member family is also responsible for assisting in clean-up on two class days each semester with another family. Sign-up sheets will be provided by the Education Director. Reminders will be sent prior to your volunteer dates.

1. All classes and clubs are for current SWGHA members only. Registration for classes occurs at the Fall and  Planning meetings or online at www.homeschool-life.com/ga/swgha.

2. All our current teachers are volunteers. Classes  are offered as teachers are available. Professional teachers may be engaged to teach classes for an additional fee.

3. Please choose to participate volunteering to teach, assist teachers, monitor the facilities, and to help clean as needed. 

4. Students under the age of 16 may not play outside without adult supervision.

5. Students under the age of 16 must have a parent or guardian on site. Students can be left for a short period of time during school hours under the supervision of another parent, as long as both the student and assisting parent are aware.

6. Children in K5 to 3rd grade need to be picked up by the parent from the assigned classrooms at the end of the class period.

7. Please refrain from coming if you or your children are sick.

8. Please keep noise in the hallways and fellowship area to a minimum.

9. Please be respectful of the  property and grounds. Return items to their original place, pick up any trash or messes, and remember to collect your personal items to take home.

10. Any student being disrespectful or behaving inappropriately will be brought to their parents. Participation can be denied for inappropriate behavior or conduct.

11. Students who are 16 years old drivers and older, may attend Friday Classes without parents, as long as the student is actively engaged in a class. Students are not allowed to leave the premises without permission.

12. Students who are 16 year old drivers and older, may attend Friday Classes with a younger sibling(s) when both are involved in the same activity/class.

Remember to ask a board member if you have questions or concerns.