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Code of Conduct

-Courteous Behavior: All parents and children are to treat other parents, teachers, students, and our host facility/staff (Lakeview Bible Church) with courtesy and respect at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning up after themselves, not talking loudly in areas where classes are in session, and not running in the building. We must not be in the Sanctuary or on the stage except during the General Assemble time. In addition, the following rules apply to building use at LBC:
-No balls, bikes, skateboards, scooters, or roller blades allowed on church premises.
-No pets are allowed on church premises except working service dogs.
-Punctuality: Students are expected to come to class on time (5 minutes before class begins, but no more than 10 minutes early) and prepared with completed assignments and all required books and materials.

-Cell Phone Use: Cell phone use is not allowed during class; this includes text messaging. Please silence your cell phone during class. Any student using a cell phone in class may have their phone confiscated by the teacher or facilitator until the end of class.

-In order to maintain a God-honoring academic environment, all teachers, parents, and children are expected to adhere to Arrow's Code of Conduct and dress codes while on campus or participating in Arrow events.

-Conduct Code
-Parents are responsible for their children at all times.
-Inappropriate physical affection and/or aggression are not acceptable.
-Foul language and/or bullying are not acceptable
-Consequences for the above will be determined on an individual basis.
-Designated Arrow Boundaries: All parents and child(ren) are required to remain inside of Arrow boundaries at all times (All our designated classrooms and areas will be clearly defined. DO NOT use areas of the church that -Lakeview Bible Church has not invited Arrow to use: empty classrooms, the church office and hallway, are off limits, unless otherwise designated. 
-No loitering in the restrooms.
-Bathroom trips are allowed; no detours or groups of three or more
-Consequences for boundary/location violations are applicable to all parents and children.

Child and Parent Consequences to unruly behavior or significant disruption of a class/disrespect of facility:

First Offense
Verbal warning will be given in class or at time of offense.

Second Offense
Child required to be with the parent for the rest of that period.
Severe warning for the rest of the classes scheduled that day.

Third Offense
Child required to be with the parent for the remainder of the day.


Fourth Offense
Child and parent must immediately leave Arrow campus for the remainder of the day.

Subsequent Offense

Determined at Arrow Leadership's discretion.