Modesty Policy
Modesty Policy:
(Does not apply to children under age 5.) Clothing should be modest whether sitting, standing or in motion as defined below (including physical education classes). Please see diagram for clarification of which regions of the body must be covered.
Midriffs, cleavage, and undergarments must never be visible.
- All shirts and dresses must cover the torso - front, back, and sides.
- Any clothing you can see through, including jeans, is only acceptable if clothing underneath adheres to dress code.
- Dresses and skirts must be no more than two inches above the knee whether sitting or standing.
- Shorts must be no more than four inches above the knee.
- No leggings or jeggings, unless worn under dresses, skirts, long shirts, or shorts that must be no more than six inches above the knee and cover the bottom at all times.
- Shoes are required both inside and outside the building unless otherwise instructed by teacher.
- Consequences are applicable to all teachers, parents, and children. Verbal warnings will be given for the first two offenses and the offender will be required to promptly adhere to the dress code either with their own clothing or with clothing provided by Arrow. Any subsequent offenses will require the offender to immediately leave campus for the remainder of the day.