ECHO strives to bring enriched learning to our children. We can only do this by setting a standard of conduct expected for all of us.
Therefore, we ask that both you and your enrolling child read the Discipline Policy and signify your agreement at registration. If you do not agree with the policy, please consider whether you and ECHO are suitably matched. We want to be a support for you and only take an authoritative role over your child when absolutely necessary. Thank you for understanding.
If your child is unable to attend a class period for any reason, parental supervision will be required. If you are aiding that day, please make arrangements with the board desk to have your child sit there until their next class. If your child has become ill, we will have another aide step into your class so you can care for him/her.
General Facility Guidelines
We are sharing this facility with the church during their active ministry hours. The church has requested that we pay special attention to the following:
- Do not climb on or play around the stage or sound booth platform in the sanctuary.
- Please use walking feet in the halls and sanctuary. No running.
- Use only the main double doors to enter and exit.
- Be respectful of all tables, chairs, and other equipment belonging to the church.
- Consume all student lunches in the lunch room upstairs or outside. Dispose of your garbage when done. assist with clean-up of lunch room.
- The church office and landline telephones are not for ECHO use.
- Please do not play in the church parking lots.
We must all show the courtesy of complying with these requests. Let’s not risk the loss of this facility that God has blessed us with!
Ministry of Discipline
Students are expected to cooperate with basic Christian standards of behavior and conversation. Each situation requiring disciplinary action will be judged according to the circumstances surrounding it.
Please know that all ministry, including the ministry of discipline, is done with respect, love, and mercy, always seeking God’s guidance and will. Parents’ support of the ECHO disciplinary policy is expected. Only by working together – teachers, board members, and parents – can we effectively provide our children with a loving, enjoyable place of learning. Our discipline policy was created to facilitate that goal.
Because we are a cooperative program, we feel that it is especially important that we agree on these matters. We will all be actively involved in this capacity. Please read the Basic Rules and Discipline Policy carefully. Please explain these to your children and make sure they and you understand them and agree with them.
Correction for misbehavior is a biblical concept and a part of any instruction and learning. ECHO board members, teachers, and teachers’ aides do not administer any type of corporal punishment.
The teachers, teachers’ aides and/or board members present for any offense have the discretionary power to determine, based on the situation, circumstances, and the student’s attitude, whether the offense should be treated as a minor or major offense. Situations may arise that we have not foreseen. The ECHO board will have the option to determine proper action to be taken on a case-by-case basis. If the student commits an offense of such serious proportions that the board deems it necessary, suspension or expulsion may be imposed immediately.
Basic Rules
The following behaviors will automatically result in disciplinary action.
Minor Offenses
- Dressing inappropriately: Out of respect for all families involved please dress appropriately. Unsuitable dress for ECHO includes, but is not limited to:
- immodest dress (if in doubt, do not wear it)
- grunge, gothic, & gang related clothing and/or accessories
- articles of clothing or accessories with skulls
- excessive jewelry
- undergarments, mid-section showing
- skirts shorter than finger tips when hung at your sides.
- no hats or hoods are to be worn in the building
- no piercings with the exception of ladies wearing modest jewelry
- Using electronic devices: Electronic devices, such as iPods, iPads, gaming devices, etc,. are not allowed. For safety reasons, cell phones are allowed, but students must keep them in their backpacks while on church property. If used, such items will be confiscated and taken to the board desk and must be picked up by the student’s parent.
- Excess noise in hallways: No Running in the church halls, walkways, or stairs. Keep the hallway by the church office quiet at all times.
- Disrupting the class: For example, repeated tardiness to class, talking out of turn, distracting others.
- Entering off-limit areas: These areas are off limits to ECHO students and should not be entered before, during or after ECHO hours, unless your class is being held there.
- Disrespecting the facility and grounds: Respect must be shown for the facility and grounds at all times. Hallway travel should be quiet and orderly – no running! No playing in the church parking lot and no skateboards. Everything should be in its original place, and in its original condition or better.
Major Offenses
- Disrespect shown to any adult.
- The adults will be the judge of whether or not disrespect has been shown.
- There should be no talking back or arguing with any adult.
- Prompt and cheerful obedience is expected.
- Requests from adults to student should not have to be repeated.
- Dishonesty in any situation, including lying, cheating or stealing.
- Rebellion: Outright disobedience in response to instruction.
- Fighting: Striking in anger with the intention of harm or speaking in harmful terms in order to degrade.
- Obscene language, especially taking the name of the Lord in vain.
- Bringing or possessing dangerous items: No dangerous items (knives, lighters, etc.) are allowed on the premises.
- Leaving school premises: Students are not allowed to leave ECHO during ECHO hours without parental permission, which must be given to the board member on duty, either verbal or written, and applied to that specific date.
Discipline Policy
A Daily Discipline Chart will be maintained for the recording of any violations of basic rules during ECHO or ECHO functions. In each situation a mark will be recorded by the teacher, teacher’s aide, or board member in the Daily Discipline Chart and explained to the student.
Minor Offenses
First Offense: Student warned, mark given.
Second Offense: For any second offense the student will be warned, a mark will be given, and parents will be notified.
Third Offense: For any third offense the student will be warned, a mark will be given, and there may be a meeting between the parents and representatives from the ECHO board. A parent may be required to accompany the student to class for 1-3 weeks. This is in order for parents to have control of and provide training for their children at ECHO.
Fourth Offense: Any fourth offense may result in suspension or possible expulsion. In the event a student is expelled there will be NO refunds given.
Major Offenses
First Offense: There may be a meeting between the parents and representatives from the ECHO board. A parent may be required to accompany the student to class for 1-3 weeks. This is in order for parents to have control of and provide training for their children at ECHO.
Second Offense: Any second offense may result in suspension or possible expulsion. In the event a student is expelled there will be NO refunds given.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6, NKJV)