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Oregon Guidelines For HOMESCHOOLING

1.0 – 3.11……Oregon Department of Education Homeschool - Q&A webpage link


4.1 If home-school students return to their public school, is that school required to accept credits for homeschool education? Oregon law allows school districts to develop policies and procedures to review a home schooled student’s transcript and/or work samples to determine if credit can be awarded. Districts are not required to award credit for homeschool work. Therefore, the acceptance of high school credit earned in a home school program is determined by local district board policy. OAR 581-021-0210 

4.2 Where will the student's permanent public school records be kept? These records will be kept in the last public/private school attended. Home-school records and documentation will not be a part of the student’s permanent public school records. Homeschool records are not kept at the Oregon Department of Education. 

4.3 Will homeschool students receive a high school diploma? No. ESDs do not award diplomas to home schooled students nor do high schools generally award diplomas to home schooled high school students. Parents may, however, contact their local high school regarding local district policies, if any, on accepting credits toward a public high school diplomas, participating in graduation, and other related matters.

4.4 Can a home schooled student participate in the General Educational Development (GED) program? If so, when? Yes. An applicant, who is at least 16 years of age, but not yet 18 years of age, may take the GED tests under certain circumstances. Specific GED information may be found at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=29

OAR 589-007-0400, General Educational Development Program and Certificates of High School Equivalency states in subsection (7)(b)(A)(ii) that "the Education Service District must certify to authorized Oregon GED Chief Examiner that the applicant is exempt from compulsory school attendance” because the student is being home schooled as provided in ORS 339.030 (1)(c and d).

The ESD must be an approved GED option site to certify that 16 and 17 year old students are eligible to test. The ESD/Parent Assurance Form and the GED Testing Authorization Form, which are provided by the ESD, are both required to certify to the authorized Oregon GED Chief Examiner that the applicant is exempt from compulsory school attendance and eligible for GED Testing.