2022-23 Students Christmas Party Harvest Party Student Led Chapel

School Year 2024-25

New Families: To join (or get on our mailing list) please "join" via the family registartion form.

Click here to complete the family registration form.

-Spring Term-
Registration opens December 7 at 9:00am.

Classes start January 13 and last day is May 19.

Returning families: Log in with your family account first and then follow these steps:

To register your student for a class:

  1. Log-in to your family account.
  2. Click on the class you'd like to register your child for.
  3. Click the box next to the child's name (if the box won't select, verify that you've updated your child's age/grade in your profile.)
  4. Click Register.
  5. Repeat for each child and/or class.

Please contact us with any questions.

Manage Class Registrations


First Period (9:00-10:30am) Second Period (10:40am-12:10pm) Chapel/Lunch (12:15-1:00pm) Third Period (1:00-2:00pm) Fourth Period (2:10-3:10pm) After School
Living Room
Biology & Life Science - 1st Period - spring
6th - 12th
Biology & Life Science - 2nd Period - spring
6th - 12th
Intro to Interior Design - Spring
6th - 12th
American Sign Language - Spring
7th - 12th
Ministry Office
Communication and Leadership Skills 2- Spring
9th - 12th
Girls' Study Hall and Hangout
6th - 12th
Classroom 1
Jr High American History and Geography -Spring
6th - 9th
Yearbook: Journalism & Photography - spring
7th - 12th
Art History and Techniques - spring
6th - 12th
Classroom 2
Junior High English - spring
6th - 9th
Science and the Bible
8th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Defend Your Faith - spring
9th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Become a Disciple Maker - spring
9th - 12th
Classroom 3
Pre-Algebra - spring
7th - 9th
Geometry - Spring
9th - 12th
Algebra 1 - spring
Personal Finance - spring
10th - 12th
Classroom 4
High School Literature - spring
8th - 12th
Hebrew 2 - spring
6th - 12th
World Literature through Movies
7th - 12th
Book Writer's Class - spring
7th - 12th
Classroom 5
Early American History - Spring
8th - 12th
In-depth study of US Constitution - spring
8th - 12th
Cultural Discernment for Young Men
6th - 12th
Card Games & Board Games - spring
6th - 12th
Fellowship Hall
Intro to Logic and Reasoning - spring
6th - 12th
Music Composition - spring
8th - 12th
Chapel & Lunch - spring
6th - 12th
Choir - spring
6th - 12th
Physical Education - spring
6th - 12th
Worship Team (practice) - spring
6th - 12th
Jr High Room
The Bible Jesus Read
8th - 12th
Creative Writing - spring
6th - 12th
Drawing and Doodling
6th - 12th
Dance Foundations and Routines - Spring
6th - 12th
Ukulele, Guitar & Bass Jams - spring
6th - 12th
Theater and Acting - spring
6th - 12th
Fun with Cooking and Baking - 3rd - spring
6th - 12th
Fun with Cooking and Baking - 4th - spring
6th - 12th
Worship Team - Sound Booth - spring
6th - 12th
Study Hall 1 - spring
6th - 12th
Study Hall 2 - spring
6th - 12th
Study Hall 3 - spring
6th - 12th
Study Hall 4 - spring
6th - 12th

FCCT Welcome!

Our History

First Class Clackamas Teens branched off of First Class Happy Valley Co-Op to purposefully serve homeschool teens in 2011.

As the FC Happy Valley Co-Op grew with children of all ages we saw a drop-off of teens and their isolation from other homeschool peers. First Class Clackamas Teens is an academic community just for homeschool teens. We offer classes on Mondays for 16 weeks per two term including; a student-led chapel, with monthly events and field trips. This program was birthed from seeing the need for teens to gain more academic instruction and social interaction with like peers in a program designed just for them while still being homeschooled.

We have identified three core principles that guide our program:

  • Affordable - we strive to provide homeschool families the opportunity to participate in a full day of classes, 16 weeks per term, for minimal class fees.
  • Christ-Centered - as a whole program and within each class we teach with a Christ-centered, Biblical worldview.
  • Partners with Parents - In most classes we assist homeschool parents with a jumpstart and structure to their teen's weekly assignments.

FCCT is located at Calvary Chapel Southest at 13520 SE Pheasant Ct, Milwaukie, Oregon.


FCCT Classes
March 10 - Monday
09:00 AM - 03:10 PM
FCCT Classes
March 17 - Monday
09:00 AM - 03:10 PM
Spring Break - No FCCT Classes
March 24 - Monday

Calvary Chapel Southeast

Calvary Chapel Southeast is a church located in Milwaukie, Oregon. We began as a home bible study in March of 1992. After sensing the Lord's blessing and provision, it became apparant that we should establish a church in the North Clackamas area where we would spend our first three years.

In June of 1995, as the church continued to grow the Lord was leading us out of the area, and we felt led by Him to relocate to a building known as "the little red church" in Southeast Portland. We remained there for 7 years hosting 3 Sunday services every week. We knew we needed to find a larger facility and at the beginning of 2002 the Lord opened the door for us to move into a larger facility back in the North Clackamas area just down the street from our first building.

Throughout the life of our church we have always desired to remain open and flexible to the leading of the Lord in everything we do.

We are committed to being and making disciples. Disciples are people who are passionately in love with Jesus, who have decided the most important thing in their lives is to learn how to do what He said to do.

We are also committed to helping people discover their gifts and callings, for the purposes of glorifying God in the world.

God, through the power of His Holy Spirit, invites us to join Him in the process of sharing the glorious news of the gospel to everyone around the world so that all men might know and respond to the love of Christ.

Simply Put: We exist to make disciples of Jesus who will join God in bringing the message of the gospel to the world around us.