Untitled Header Image Our academics are both rigorous and engaging. Christ-centered curriculum Students participate in special events, including a high school prom. We are glad you are here!

Mrs. Marilynn Badzik To All Instructors

Mrs. Badzik got started in the 1970’s pioneering phase of homeschooling, homeschooling each of her sons in 7th grade. In 2010 she was honored to be asked by her son and daughter-in-law to help set up a homeschooling program for their three children in which she has continued to be involved from K through high school. There, she has taught Science, History and Geography, Civics, Bible and Music. She attends Cornerstone Chapel and is involved in their Discipleship ministry. Prior, she served as a Stephen’s Minister for 4 years.

Mrs. Badzik graduated from Loma Linda University with her BSRN. She lived most of her adult years in Sacramento, California and worked as a school nurse while her husband served in the military as a dentist for two years. After her sons graduated from high school, she returned to the field of nursing and became a certified Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse for the next 20 years. Not only did she have a career as a homeschool pioneer and a nurse, she then went on to become a certified travel agent and opened her own agency, specializing in group and cruise travel. Her ability to balance nursing, a travel agency and world travel is incredible. She hopes to inspire the same drive and ambition in her students.

Current Classes
MS Eastern Hemisphere & Cultures/U.S. Election Process – Instructor (closed)