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What are the disciplinary policies?

Discipline Policy 

The goal of HEARTS is to support Christian families in the home-based education of their children. We  endeavor to walk with the Lord in all that we do. To this end, we require students and parents to comply with all  HEARTS policies, conducting themselves with honesty, respect, and integrity. The Discipline Policy  provides structure and consistency to discipline issues should they arise.  HEARTS is a volunteer-based organization, and we require collaboration with the parents on these issues. 

Line of Authority 

The Supervisor is the head authority during school hours. Supervisor Assistants have authority over  students during check-in, between classes, study halls, lunch, and end of the day closings. If a student  refuses to obey the Supervisor Assistants, the student will be sent to the Supervisor. 

We desire to provide an environment conducive to learning, free from distractions caused by such  disruptive behaviors as…

  • Interrupting or talking over the teacher, 

  • Rude behavior towards anyone

  • Lying

  • disrespectful behavior towards authority 

  • cheating, 

  • using foul language, 

  • promoting ideology that is against the Bible, whether in person or on social media 

  • using cell phones during class, 

  • dress code violations, or 

  • any behavior determined to be disruptive in class or on campus.


 Initial offenses may be addressed with the student first, depending on the offense.

 If the behavior doesn’t change, the teacher  will report future offenses to the parent and Teacher Liaison and/or Student Advisor. 

The Steering Committee may be needed to evaluate the need for a Performance Improvement Plan.

The Teacher Liaison and/or Student Advisormay need to meet with the parent(s) and student to discuss a Performance Improvement Plan. 

We do not want to usurp parental authority, so parents will be called upon to collaborate regarding disciplinary issues. Efforts will be made to counsel the student and support the parents; however, if disobedience, disrespect, lack of collaboration (from either parent or student), or defiance continues with no evidence of a contrite spirit, or if the student’s behavior is a danger to others, then the student may be suspended or dismissed from HEARTS.
The following are grounds for immediate suspension or membership termination: 

• Bullying of any kind 

• Possession of weapons, including but not limited to firearms and knives 

• Possession and/or distribution of alcohol,  illegal drugs, tobacco products, or vaping products

If membership is terminated for any reason, tuition will immediately be due in full and no refunds will be given. 

NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to turn in any assignments missed due to discipline issues. It is  the teacher’s prerogative to accept the work or to decline it.