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What are the academic expectations at Hearts?

All of HEARTS policies are important, but we cannot expect every student or parent to memorize them. Therefore, please print out a copy for home use and a copy for each of your HEARTS students to refer to when necessary. Thank you for your cooperation.  

All students must be in agreement and willing to abide by these policies.

  • To participate in a class, a student must be at grade-level for the class as indicated by the teacher OR receive special permission from the teacher.
  • If your student needs to miss a class or leave early, it is their responsibility to contact the teacher to get any missed assignments.
  • On-time and consistent attendance at all classes is mandatory unless the teacher has been notified prior to the absence or in case of illness. Teachers will take attendance at the beginning of every class and students that are absent without an excuse or are consistently tardy will be penalized in accordance with each teacher’s policies on tardiness.
  • If a teacher cannot attend class, they will arrange for a substitute, otherwise parents will be notified that the class has been canceled. If it is already the day of class and a substitute cannot be found, students will use the class time as a study hall.
  • Grades will be provided to the parents each semester either via email, mail or online.  Also, if your student fails a test, the teacher will notify you. You may communicate with the teacher at any time via e-mail or by phone. Some teachers set “office hours” for students and parents to contact them and others allow calls anytime. Your teacher(s) will provide this information to you at the beginning of the class.
  • Teachers set their own homework policies and accountability for students getting things in on time, however cheating will never be tolerated at HEARTS and will require an immediate parent meeting. Please remember that you, the parents, are ultimately responsible for your students’ education. One of the most important skills your student will learn before graduating is how to manage their time and how to handle the pressures of being in a classroom environment with different teachers.


Parental Concerns

If parents ever have any concerns or issues with others within HEARTS (parents, teachers or students) please try to resolve it with the individual directly. If concerns are not resolved or concerns persist after direct communication with the individual, please contact the HEARTS Steering Committee for help in resolving the issue.

Special Needs

Although our teachers are willing and want to work with you and your student if there are learning issues, we lack the resources and training to address most learning difficulties. It is required that a student can independently work on assignments, maintain self-control in group environment and function at the appropriate grade and age level for a specific class. If you have questions as to whether your child can handle the rigor of a course, please reach out to our Registrar or Student Advisors to discuss if HEARTS will be able to accommodate your student. This information will not be shared with anyone other than the HEARTS Steering Committee or specific course teacher without your permission and we appreciate your understanding.