Absence Form for Branches Surprise Floater Coordinator
Teachers, Parent Helpers, Floaters, Facilities, Snack Bar, and more!
Please use this form to alert the Floater Coordinator of your absence as soon as possible. If you are or your family are not feeling well on Tuesday or if you know you will be taking a trip later on in the semester go ahead and fill out this form now. It's much easier to plug you back into your job if your trip is cancelled than it is to try to find a replacement at the last minute. :) If you happen to wake up sick on Wednesday morning then please also use this form to let us know so that we can assign a floater to your class.
As a reminder If you are a teacher, it is your responsibility to get your lesson plan and materials for that day to your co-teacher or helper, please do your best. A good suggestion is for teachers to create an emergency lesson plan and give it to your assistant.
Emergency call-outs do happen, and when they do, feel free to text me, Sarah Veronese at (623) 238-3011.
ALL your jobs/assignments/teacher positions will be covered by a floater and coordinated by me. However, please let your lead teacher or parent helper know of your absence.
The website will save a copy of your absence and notify me.
Thank you, feel better or have a great trip!
Sarah Veronese (623) 238-3011