Branches Surprise Branches Surprise Branches Surprise Branches Surprise Branches Surprise Branches Surprise
Sadly we have no room for new families this Fall. Please consider applying for membership in October as there might be room in the Spring.

Branches Surprise is a Christ-centered homeschool co-op community, that offers academic and enrichment classes, sports activities and clubs. We meet on Wednesdays near the Loop 303 and Grand Ave. We seek to create a close knit community where families feel they belong and are supported. We do this through a co-op (cooperative) model, where each family contributes in some way. For more information, please see our FAQs page.


Our mission is to build a Christ-centered co-op community, with a grace-filled culture, that equips, supports, and encourages homeschooling families and proclaims Christ’s leadership over all aspects of our lives. We desire to bring together homeschooling families who love God and want to share the knowledge of Jesus Christ with the next generation, by providing academic and enrichment classes, sports activities, and clubs from a Christian worldview, as well as opportunities for mentoring and friendships. Our teachers love God and communicate Biblical teaching and Christian values to our students.  


We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind. For purposes of doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our governing board is Branches’ final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person to reflect His image as either male or female; but that each person is by nature a sinner, and alienated from God.

We believe that salvation and reconciliation come only from God, by grace; that God in love gave His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sin, thereby purchasing the redemption of those who believe in Him.

We believe that marriage is prescribed by God as a sacred, covenant relationship between one man and one woman, symbolizing the union of Christ and His church, and all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage is sin.

We believe that every Christian, through the power of Jesus Christ, is called to live a life set apart that will bear fruit to the glory of God, and sinful behavior, or even advocacy of sinful behavior, dishonors God and should not be encouraged.

We believe that God loves every person and therefore we need to treat others with the compassion, love, kindness, and dignity that He shows us.


We believe that it is the parents’ role and responsibility to educate their children individually on topics of a sensitive nature, including:

  • Political Views

  • Doctrinal Views

  • Sexuality Views

  • Dietary Views

Out of respect for each family’s decision on when and how to teach these matters to their children, all teachers, volunteers, parents, and students are discouraged from discussing these topics with other children at Branches unless in a clearly defined class.


Branches is a cooperative program. All member families must do their part to help Branches succeed. Member families must sign up for the appropriate amount of job credits. All member families must have at least one on-campus job. A job that is off campus can be done for the maximum amount of 3 job credits toward parent job requirements.

Branches is not a drop off program. A responsible adult must be present to care for your child(ren) at all times. In an emergency or unusual situation you can have another parent care for your child. A Temporary Guardianship Form must be filled out and turned into the Snack Bar before you leave campus. This is a ONE time allowance per semester. If for whatever reason you will need more than one, you will need to talk to the Campus Director and an exception may be made on a case by case basis. Otherwise, all parents are expected to stay on campus at all times. Please remember that Branches is a privilege and parent participation is
a must for us to run smoothly.

All member families must sign up for volunteer jobs to participate in Branches. Families who are on campus (whether enrolled in a class or not) for 3 or less class periods need to earn 6 parent credits. Families who are on campus (whether enrolled in a class or not) for 4 or more class periods need to earn 8 parent credits. All volunteering adults must have successfully completed a background check through the company recommended by Branches; have read and agreed to
abide by the Statements of Mission, Faith, and Education, the Guidelines and Standards, and the Code of Culture; and be approved to work at Branches.

Parent jobs must be covered at all times. If a floater is needed to cover a parent job, then you must contact the floater coordinator on your campus.

A floater can be used up to four times a semester. If a parent is missing more than four times a semester, they must find their own replacement with friend or family member that have successfully completed a Branches background check; have read and agreed to abide by the Statements of Mission, Faith, and Education, the Guidelines and Standards, and the Code of Culture; and be approved to work at Branches. As a cooperative it is imperative to fulfill your parent job requirements.

All floaters are needed each week. They are required to check in and respond to the floater coordinator via text or in person for each hour they are signed up to work. If a floater is missing more than four times a semester, they will also need to find their own replacement, with friend or family member that have successfully completed a Branches background check; have read and agreed to abide by the Statements of Mission, Faith, and Education, the Guidelines and Standards, and the Code of Culture; and be approved to work at Branches.

Class fees must be paid by the due date. Failure to pay, or make special payment arrangements, by due date will result in membership suspension. Member families with a remaining balance will not be allowed to register for the next semester’s classes. Special payment arrangements cannot be made to extend payment past mid-semester.

Parent teachers, assistants, and floaters must show up, be on time, and remain in the classroom for the entire class period.

Students must show up on time and remain in class for the entire class period. If a student needs to leave, they are required to get permission from the teacher before they do so.

Parents need to monitor their children when not in class.

Volunteering member teachers must fill out the teacher application form in order to teach a class at Branches. To maintain the integrity of our mission and Christian identity, all teachers must affirm in writing that they desire to further the mission of Branches, their personal beliefs are consistent with the Statement of Faith, and they will act consistently with the standards set forth in the Guidelines and Standards and Code of Culture.

Children are encouraged to wear the Branches t-shirts.

Branches is a nut-free campus.

Branches does not have a formal dress code, however all private areas must be covered.

Biting or aggressive behavior in class will not be tolerated. If you have a child that has issues with biting or aggression, that child will need to have a one on one aide to help them. The parent will be responsible for finding the aide.

Cheating, stealing, bullying, drug use, profanity, obscenity, sexual immorality, personal appearance or conduct contrary to one’s biological sex, dishonor to the Word of God, disrespect to the leadership of the group, or continued disobedience to the established standards of this group will not be tolerated.

Discrimination or harassment on the basis of race (including hairstyle/texture), color, sex, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, national origin, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law, is prohibited and will not be tolerated at Branches.

Threats or statements of violence against anyone for any reason at Branches, Branches events, or on group chats (official or unofficial) involving Branches members or students will not be tolerated.

Sexual harassment constitutes discrimination and is illegal under federal, state and local laws. For the purposes of this policy, “sexual harassment” is defined, as in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guidelines, as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when, for example: a) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment
decisions affecting such individual, or c) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. All sexual harassment of any kind is prohibited. 


It is the personal responsibility of each member to be aware of those sick around them and to abide by the Branches’ sick policy for class days, special events, field trips, etc.

If any member of your family has had these symptoms, please have that member stay home:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours
  • Signs of possible severe illness such as uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, persistent crying, lethargy, or severe sore throat.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
  • Rash that has been accompanied by fever or behavior change.

Any student attending class day with the above symptoms will be brought to the check-in table, where parents will be contacted for pick-up.

The purpose of this sick policy is not to punish those who are sick but to try and keep our whole community healthy and able to continue to meet together in person. We understand that sometimes teething will cause an elevated temperature, being outside in the heat can cause vomiting, or seasonal allergies can produce a long lasting cough. We are trusting everyone’s best judgment to use these guidelines along with your personal family knowledge to determine when your family should stay home.

If a member family does not follow these guidelines, they may not be able to return to Branches the following semester.

The purpose of the Branches Code of Culture is to promote a thriving environment where families feel safe and happy, and are empowered in their homeschooling journey. All parents and children are encouraged to:

B – Blessing 

  • Be a blessing by having a grace-filled attitude. 
  • Be a blessing by treating others with kindness, compassion, dignity, and respect.

R – Responsible 

  • Be responsible by working hard in volunteer jobs and classes.
  • Be responsible by keeping the campus and outdoor areas clean.

A – Adaptable

  • Be adaptable by having a positive attitude no matter the situation.
  • Be adaptable by jumping in to help where needed.

N – Noble

  • Be noble by introducing yourself to someone and making a new friend.
  • Be noble by having a servant’s heart.

C – Considerate

  • Be considerate by actively listening to your teachers and parent helpers.
  • Be considerate by showing up to your jobs and classes on time.

H – Helpful

  • Be helpful by remembering your items when you leave.
  • Be helpful by looking for ways to solve problems.

E – Encouraging

  • Be encouraging by vocalizing the good in those around you.
  • Be encouraging by lifting up each other in times of need.

S – Safe

  • Be safe by thinking before you act.
  • Be safe by being aware of your surroundings.


Conflict is a normal part of any healthy community. Learning to work through issues between each other will make our community stronger.

Branches uses the Matthew 18 Biblical model for conflict resolution. A Christian who has a conflict with another Christian is called to address the matter with the other person personally. When matters are handled privately, misunderstanding can be addressed, and there is great potential for the other person to respond positively. In addition, a private meeting helps to avoid the problem of gossip that can occur when a matter is taken to others instead of the person involved.

Student to Student Conflicts - Go directly to the person you are upset with and share your problem or concern with grace and love. Both parties should have an open dialogue and be willing to hear each other out. If needed, parents should help the students work through their issue.

Parent to Student Conflicts - Parents should go directly to the parent of the student they are having a conflict with and share the problem or concern with grace and love. Parent of student should be open and willing to hear other parent out and have an open dialogue to work through issues. The parent of the student can then allow the other parent to talk directly to the student if they feel comfortable. If not, the parent of the student can explain the problem or concern to their child. Student should be willing to have an open dialogue to work through issues.
NOTE - This is not related to parent teachers guiding students in classes with normal classroom rules and discipline.

Student to Parent Conflicts - If a student feels comfortable, they can go directly to the parent and share their problem or concern with grace and love. Parent should be willing to hear the student out and have open dialogue to work through issues. Student's parent should get involved if either party feels like it is necessary.

Parent to Parent Conflicts - Go directly to the person you are upset with and share your problem or concern with grace and love. Both parties should have an open dialogue and be willing to hear each other out and work through issues.

If the conflict at this point is still unresolved, the parents should go to the Campus Director, who will help mediate the conflict.

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