“Train up a child in  the way he should go - but be sure you go that way yourself.”              -Charles Spurgeon Raising the next generation of Godly men and women! Lots of Activities! Teen Classes and Activities Families learning together! Building upon our Christian and American Heritage

Member Levels

Per Family: A contribution for supplies and class/group needs are as follows: $20 per year per family.  $5 per student per session (fall and spring) for co op classes, $25 per co op member family for Performance group. $35 non member contribution

Full Member –  Attends Co op day consistantly, fulfills volunteer sign up duties (including: teaching, assistanting, cleanup, greeter) during co op and activities, may participate in any and all co op and extra curricular activities such as; parties, events, field trips, social gatherings and more. Can sign up for an participate in any special class or group offered with Heritage.  Contribute to the group with a registration fee plus a co op fee per session and any participation related fees or supplies. 

Partial Member Does not attend Co op Classes. May participate in all extra curricular activities such as parties, field trips, social gatherings and other offerings that are not during co op and are not co op class specific. Pays registration fee and any participation related fees. Fulfill any minimum volunteer requirements for non class activities (could include helping with a party, or an event) Can sign up for an participate in any special class or group offered with Heritage.

Special Class or Group member only- Attends only the specific class or group signed up for. Does not have access to non special group related events unless specifically offered.  Register online and pay the contribution fees required for that particular group. Volunteering and sign ups will be class/group specific. All communications will be through the Special Group Class. (A Heritage registered member can sign up for any group or special class offered)