“Train up a child in  the way he should go - but be sure you go that way yourself.”              -Charles Spurgeon Raising the next generation of Godly men and women! Lots of Activities! Teen Classes and Activities Families learning together! Building upon our Christian and American Heritage

Request to Join Co Op Group

indicates a required answer

Thank you for your interest in Heritage Homeschoolers! This is the first step in seeking membership with our Co-op. Before sending this form, please read our Statement of Faith, Standards of Conduct, Membership Guidelines and FAQs links. Once you have taken time to consider all of these things and agree with them and want to move forward then fill out form below to request an interview.

The Director of Heritage will contact you to talk about your potential membership. If Heritage is the right fit for all of us, the director will instruct you to the next step in our Membership Process.

1. *


2. *


3. *


4. *


5. *

Children's Names and Age and grade

6. *

Do you fully agree with our Statement of Faith?  

 (1 required)
Yes No
7. *

Most recent or present Church Affiliation

8. *

Please briefly describe your personal journey of faith

9. *

Have your children who you are homeschooling ever attended public school?

 (1 required)
Yes No
10. *

How long have you been homeschooling

11. *

Briefly describe why you are homeschooling your children

12. *

Name some of the Curriculum you use or have you used

13. *

What about Heritage interests you?


Do you know a Heritage member personally? If so who?


Does your child have any special needs or behavior issues that we need to be made aware of so we can best accomodate him within our capabilities? If so please briefly explain


Is there anything else you would like us to know or do have any questions or concerns that we can address?


Do you have an immediate need or prayer request that we can help with?

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