KHS's role is to support and encourage homeschool families as they journey through life raising their children in a Godly way. We assume each child that enters our program is being raised to honor and respect their counterparts and adults, just as Jesus commanded, and has been taught to behave appropriately in public settings away from parental supervision. One of our first priorities as a Homeschool Service is the safety of our students and the promotion of healthy relationships between them and their teachers. Although we believe disciplinary actions should be parents’ responsibility, we also understand God has entrusted us with the lives of your children while they attend our program. We see it necessary to take disciplinary actions when a student repeatedly ignores requests made by teachers or disrupts the educational environment. We have developed a guideline, which is not all-inclusive, although we hope it will serve families, as a tool to determine and understand disciplinary actions taken during the time your children attend our programs. Please review these guidelines with your child/children and return the signed document to us. Foul Language: KHS reserves the right to remove a student from a classroom setting, playground, or any indoor/outdoor activity, and ask parents to pick up their child before the end of the daily schedule if the use of foul language comes to our attention and is witnessed by any of our teachers. Foul language will be considered any word that is demeaning to the physical, emotional, and/or spiritual identity of any student, as well as any cuss word used in any setting. LyingIt will be considered lying when a student hides information, distorts the truth, and/or does not tell the whole truth. We want to do our best to encourage honest and truthful relationships within our community, and trust is one of the foundational pieces necessary to be able to do this. Physical Interactions:KHS reserves the right to remove a student from a classroom setting, playground, or any indoor/outdoor activity and ask parents to pick up their child before the end of the daily schedule if inappropriate physical contact was conducted by the student with another student, teacher, teacher assistant or a Refreshing Mountain employee. Inappropriate physical contact may include: hitting, punching, kicking, slapping, and touching private areas. Other actions may be considered inappropriate physical interaction if the council of teachers, after reviewing the situation, decides the contact was intended and not accidental. We also ask students to refrain from rough play during program hours. **Mandated Reporters** Each of our teachers, helpers and assistants, are required by law to report any comment, behavior, or action that leads to the suspicion that a child has been, or is being exposed to any type of abuse. By law this report does not have to be approved, or made known to parents/guardians before it is submitted to the proper authorities. KHS will reserve the right to choose to make or not make parents aware that such a report was made. Computer and Cell Phone use: KHS reserves the right to “confiscate” any electronic device, and return such to parents at the end of the “school day”, if a student is using such device inappropriately. Devices such as computers, tablets and/or phones, should be used only for educational purposes during the length of the day. The use of cell phones for gaming, social networking (Instagram-facebook-Tik-Tok-Snap-chat, etc), texting friends, posting pictures online during the “school day” is prohibited during program hours. Although we live in a culture of “instant messaging and networking,” we would like to encourage parents and students to disconnect from the “web” when it is not necessary and to engage in building relationships with teachers and other students. Types of ConsequencesAny consequence given to any student is only implemented after several warnings were verbally expressed to the student. Depending on the type of infraction, consequences may include: Lose recess time Privileges lost (i.e. Fishing, hiking, participating in special games/events) Partial or full-day suspension
Other consequences will be put into place after reviewing a given situation with parents and student(s). |