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Interested in joining KHS in 2024-25? Review the information and links on this page and then click here to complete and submit an inquiry form.

About Us

The heart behind this project

This is a homeschool educational service that is meant to develop spirit-filled students who can not only complete the required core subjects and earn school credits but also, learn how to become and make disciples as well as how to practice and use their spiritual gifts. All students will engage in grade-level class discussions, worship, projects, and services that lead to planning and discerning how to expand the Kingdom of God. Students will become active seekers of opportunities to reach the lost and serve their communities.

An appreciation of cultural differences and a broader scope of the world God created will be developed as students young and old are exposed to literature, stories, and real-life testimonies from different countries, people, cultures, and experiences.

Active learning, explorations, and critical thinking will serve as one of the main tools to promote learning. Knowledge and memorization of God’s word will be fundamental to the growth of each student, as well as learning to hear God’s voice through the Holy Spirit, and act upon his revelation in their lives.

Learning Together

Frequently Asked Questions
Meet the teachers
2024-25 Co-op Day Schedule