Cornerstone Co-op Cornerstone Co-op

About Cornerstone Cooperative

  1. Vision
  2. Statement of Faith
  3. Codes of Conduct
    1. Attendance
    2. Classroom
    3. Conduct
    4. Fees
    5. Health policy
    6. Responsibilities
    7. Snow policy

Our Vision

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4”

     This is our guiding scripture and driving force to encourage homeschool parents as they provide strong foundations for their child’s life. Cornerstone Educational Cooperative (CEC) exists to provide support for Christian families in the Palouse region who homeschool their children by offering a variety of activities and classes for students in elementary through high school grades. CEC will be guided by a Christian Statement of Faith and all classes will be presented from a Christian perspective and a young-earth Creation standpoint.

     CEC is designed to bring families together for shared educational experiences. CEC is not a school, and is not a drop-off situation, but a family learning environment. The leadership seeks to keep the costs to a minimum, and no one gains a financial profit from the fees collected. All participants are co-laborers in this endeavor, and servants working alongside each other to provide the best education and most enriching activities for all of our children’s benefit. The amount of the class offerings and quality of those offerings will be in direct proportion to parent participation. We seek to provide a time for both students and parents to interact and socialize by learning together in the classroom setting and sharing our lunch break. Parents may have additional social time when they are not assisting or teaching a class.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, and only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return to power and glory.

We believe that for the salvation of the lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential. Salvation, or rescue, is a free gift from God-it is not something we can earn. It requires a personal faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they who are saved unto resurrection of life and they who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by who’s indwelling the Christian is enabled to lead a Godly life.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers.

We believe that God ordained marriage as a spiritual and physical union in which one man and one woman enter into a covenant with God until death separates them. Marriage is to be a picture of Jesus Christ and His Church.

We believe in the creation of life and the entire universe in six days as recorded literally in the Genesis creation record. We also believe in the historicity of the Bible record.

*These statements are an adaptation of the seven-point Statement of Faith of the National Association of Evangelicals and Statement of Faith of Bridge Bible Fellowship, Moscow, ID. Revised 2018

Our Codes of Conduct

    We will need everyone’s cooperation to help provide and maintain a positive, enriching environment for our co-op families. We ask all Cornerstone family members ages eight and older to read, understand, and agree to hold to these codes of conduct. When registering you will be asked if you have read the Cornerstone Educational Cooperative Handbook and agree to abide by it. If your family habitually chooses not to abide by the standards described within this document, your family may be asked to leave CEC without refund of fees.


    CEC is designed to bring families together for shared educational experiences. CEC is not a one-day school, and is not a drop-off situation, but a family learning environment. Parents are required to stay onsite as active participants for the duration of the time their children are participating. The only time a parent may leave is for an unplanned/unavoidable event but will need to sign out at the Steering table and indicate who the responsible adult is for their child/children. If a parent needs to remain at home with an ill child, they can make arrangements with another participating parent to take their place for the day. (This practice should be an exception - not a routine of parents trading off.) If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact the Steering Committee. Notify CEC in advance of any known absences and notify the Facilities Coordinator if a family illness keeps your family from participating on Co-op Day.

Cornerstone Attendance Policy:

Part 1: Parent no show absences (not informing Steering and Teacher/Assistant of absence prior to absence): First time = warning

Second time = your family will be asked to leave co-op. Registered children would be withdrawn from classes without refund of class fees.

Part 2: Parent with more than four informed absences per semester would have their involvement with the co-op reviewed by the Steering committee and possibly be asked to withdraw without refund of fees.

Guests: CEC is considered a closed campus environment for the safety of all our Cornerstone families. All guests must be preapproved in advance by Steering.


    The goal of having classes is to engage the minds of our children in a Christ-centered environment, to provide a positive atmosphere for learning, to allow children the opportunity of learning how to work in a classroom setting, and to build positive relationships between our children. One of Cornerstone Educational Cooperative’s purposes is to help young people develop a sense of wonder and respect for our Creator, and many classes will be taught from that perspective.

    Student Helpers: 9th-12th grade students may help in classes with Steering, Parent, and Class Teacher approval. They can only assist in Nursery through 5th grade classes. This request must be made known to Steering before the first day of classes each semester. Steering will then discuss the request with the teacher before approving. 11th-12th grade students may teach a class as long as parents agree to teach the class if the student does not follow through. Teaching a class must also be pre-approved by Steering.

    Field Trip/Guest Speaker Policy: Teacher’s must receive approval from the Cornerstone Steering Team when making decisions about their class that are outside the normal course description for the class (i.e. field trips, guest speakers, etc.) Teachers will provide Steering with a written request that will include dates, times, place, adult supervision plans, and any other significant information. All field trips must be scheduled outside of normal class hours.

    Classroom Discipline Policy: If a child enrolled in a class is disruptive in class and does not stop, when asked by the teacher, they will be taken to the Steering table for the remainder of class. If a Steering member is not at the Steering table, the child will stay with the Table Monitor. (This usually only occurs during the Steering Meeting period.) A member of Steering will discuss the child's behavior with the teacher after class and will then relay information to the parent. If this happens 3 times within the year, the child's behavior will be reviewed by Steering and may be removed from the class. 3rd -12th grade students arriving more than 5 minutes late to class will be sent to study hall.

     Cornerstone Homework Policy: Teacher’s may choose to assign homework or not based on the class, but it is required to be listed in the class description if there is to be homework assignments. This way parents know and understand the workload that will be expected in the class. Teachers choose how they would like to get those assignments to their students. It may be in class via written instructions the students copy, verbal instructions the students write down, or paper handouts with the homework assignments. Teachers may also choose to email the homework assignments to their students’ parents and Steering will provide those email addresses. If a teacher chooses to email assignments, they are due by noon the Wednesday following class. It is up to the parents to contact the teacher and release their students email address (to the teacher) if they prefer the homework assignments going directly to their student. Students are expected to keep up with their homework assignments so they do not fall behind in class or hold the class back. Failure to do so will result in a Steering review with the parents and student and possible removal from class with no fees refunded. Students need to arrive prepared for class with any outside assignments completed.

    Cornerstone Co-op Parent-Child Policy: Children under Kindergarten age (K-12 must be registered) will be allowed to attend class with a parent. This is only allowed if the Teacher and Assistant have agreed to parents bringing their child into the classroom. Teachers have the right to say no to little ones in their classroom during class time. In the event a teacher chooses to allow younger children in their class, and the child uses their supplies, the teacher will not be reimbursed for this and are not to use registered student funds for the non-registered child. Teachers are not responsible to provide supplies or entertainment for children not registered in their class, except for trying to include guests that are checking out CEC. Teachers also have the right that if the non-registered child is disruptive to their class or is requiring the parent to tend to them instead of the student’s they are assigned to be helping, the teacher may bring this to Steering and we will address the situation. If the distraction continues, Steering will reserve the right to remove the child and/or parent from the room and replace them as a helper.


    Behavior: I agree to treat others with respect, kindness, and encouragement in speech and action as I seek to demonstrate integrity and Godly values. I will refrain from slang and vulgar expressions, conversations that are intent on putting others down, and physical contact that may harm or make another feel uncomfortable - including displays of affection. I understand that there are appropriate times and places for displaying boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, but co-op is not one of those places or times. I will abstain from displaying affection as such to others while at co-op to respect all those who are attending. I understand that no weapons of any kind, i.e. guns (real or play), knives, etc. are allowed at co-op. I understand no fighting, either physically or verbally, is allowed at co-op. I understand no drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes are allowed at co-op. Our goal is to raise bright and intelligent children, so our conversations should seek to uplift, encourage, and compliment others.

    Community: If a disagreement should occur between another CEC member and me, I will first try to resolve the problem with the person involved. If that does not remedy the situation, I will discuss the issue in private with two of the Steering committee members. I will not gossip about the issue or foster dissent among other Cooperative members or in the CEC community.

    Dress and Appearance: I agree to wear clothing that reflects Christian modesty while I am at co-op and co-op events. Skirts, dresses, and shorts should not be higher than 3” above the knee. Clothing should not be tight, revealing, or low-cut in the front or back. Shirts should completely cover the stomach and shoulders. Pants must be well fitted with no undergarments showing and back side completely covered. Shirts must be worn at all times and should not have inappropriate pictures or writing. All participants should avoid extremes in clothing and appearance while avoiding being sloppy in dress, grooming, and manners. Hats are acceptable. Please remove them while in sanctuary, class, and prayer time. Backpacks/Binders/Bags- No inapropriate pictures or writing, i.e. secular music groups, etc. We will all strive to represent Christ in our dress and appearance.

    Language: The names of God and Jesus Christ should be used only in reverence. Profane, vulgar, or crude language or gestures, as well as jokes about immoral actions will result in disciplinary action.

Media/Electronics: Offensive materials of any kind are not allowed at Cornerstone Co-op. Please refrain from bringing media/electronics that are not directly related to classes being participated in at the Co-op. If a student is in possession of a phone or other media/electronic device, they are to refrain from using it during opening or class time, unless invited to do so by the instructor. The Internet is for class use only.


    Cornerstone families are responsible for their family’s Registration, Facility, and Student Semester Fees. For a detailed description of those fees, refer to the current school year fee schedule. Fees are configured annually and missed days will not be discounted. My participation in Cornerstone is voluntary and I can leave at any time but will not be refunded my registration and current semester class fees.

     A returning family is defined as a family that attended the previous school year and their account was paid in full. New families are those new to the co-op or returning families whose fees were not paid in full before the end of the school year or they left mid-year/semester with a balance due. 

Health Policy

Cornerstone Health Policy

     Each Cornerstone family's choices have an impact on the participants within Co-op. As such, each family agrees not to bring family members to Co-op who have experienced a fever or any contagious health symptoms in the last 24 hours. If an accident or infection occurs while attending Cornerstone Educational Cooperative, I will not hold CEC or its members liable for any harm.

Emergency Treatment Authorization

     In the event of a life-threatening emergency, I give permission for life-saving medical care to be given to my family members, if parents or other contacts are unavailable.


     At CEC we share responsibilities as a group. Morning Set Up, Lunch Duty, and Closing Clean-Up will be shared between all registered families equally. We will do our best to take into account different families' needs. In the event we are short workers for any of our co-op positions, on any co-op day, we will assign volunteers from those parents who have that period free. We are a co-op and need to help out when and where needed even if we did not sign up for that job.

     Families will be assigned a minimum of 2 days per year in which they will do all three above-listed duties. Specific duties will be able to be swapped out with other families to accommodate each family's individual needs and abilities, but a total of 6 shifts will be necessary. CEC families are asked to do their very best to attend parent meetings. All CEC families are responsible for any damages they or their family members may cause. Families need to arrive prior to morning assembly time.

     Teachers will be guaranteed a period off and will not be put into the rotation schedule for their guaranteed period off. CEC teachers have agreed with the Cornerstone Co-op Statement of Faith and will not teach anything contrary to these beliefs. Teachers are expected to attend opening and not use it for class preparation. They agree to be on time and prepared to teach their class, provide a simple syllabus or scope and sequence when requested, and will abide by the CEC disciplinary policy and dress code requirements. They also agree to provide a progress report for their students when requested by Steering or parents. CEC teachers have also committed to teaching at Cornerstone for a full school year.

     Assistants will be required to assist 2 out of 3 periods (3 out of 4 periods if we have a 4-period co-op day). Assistants may request classes they wish to assist with, or one will be assigned.

     Responsibility To Our Facility: As members of CEC, we commit to serve our organization by abiding by the Trinity Baptist Church building use policies, participating in cleaning of the buildings, keeping our environment orderly, keeping track of our own possessions and being mindful to take them home with us, being respectful of others’ property, and being attentive to our own family’s needs.

     Playground Rules: The play area outside of the preschool classroom is for children 5 and under with parent supervision only. It may be used during class time by the preschool class or by families during lunchtime. Children 6 and older may play outside during lunch break but must play in the grassy area to the south of the building or in the south parking lot by the basketball court. Once again children are not allowed to be outside without adult supervision. There is an assigned lunch duty person that will be outside for the last 25 minutes of lunch break but cannot watch everyone all the time. Please make a point to check on your children during lunch. Kids are not allowed on the wall behind the church or any other yard areas except those specifically assigned as play areas. Remember that you, as the parent, are ultimately and completely responsible for your children.

     Kitchen Use: Kitchen area is off limits to CEC except when being used by classes or during lunch. During lunch we are only allowed access to the frig and microwave. Bring your own dishes and utensils. The ice maker is not for our use. If you have any questions talk to a Steering member.

     Lunch Rules: Lunch is to be eaten in the Sanctuary/Gym only. Steering may eat in the foyer at the front table while watching the front entrance. During nice weather families are allowed to eat outside in the designated playground areas. Families are responsible to have their areas picked up by noon so that lunch duty families can clean tables and put them away before class starts. The last 25 minutes of lunch break students may play outside when supervised by an adult. (see playground rules)

     Fire Drill: CEC holds a fire drill every fall semester within the first few weeks of our school year. This procedure will be explained at co-op. Families will be notified of the date the fire drill is to happen but not the specific time.

Snow Policy

     If two or more of the following school districts have a late start or cancel school due to snow then CEC is cancelled as well. The school districts are Moscow, Pullman, Potlatch, Deary, or Troy.