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An Evaluator

indicates a required answer

Evaluator Information

Please complete this form if you are an evaluator and you would like your information shared with HAHA members.

1. *


2. *

Email Address:


Phone Number:



5. *

Evaluate/Certified for:

 (1 required)
Elementary Secondary
Special Needs

Please list diploma programs you are familiar with: 

7. *

Location you conduct evaluations (please include town):

8. *

What do you charge per student and what form of payment do you accept? Do you offer a sibling discount?

9. *

Have you ever homeschooled? How long? 

10. *

How long have you been an evaluator? 


Do you offer other services related to homeschooling? 

12. *

What methods/styles of traditional homeschooling do you support? 

13. *

What would you like me to bring to the evaluation? Is a traditional portfolio required? 

14. *

Do I need to submit samples each year for every subject listed on the affidavit? 

15. *

How many samples do you require per subject? 

16. *

What do you expect to see for documentation of the 180 days or required hours? 

17. *

How long does the evaluation take per child?

18. *

What happens if my child is not "on grade level" according to their age?

19. *

What months do you perform evaluations?


Anything else you would like to add?