If you would like to purchase a date on our calendar to advertise a specific event or deadline, complete the form below.
Calendar Post (Weekly emails)
- Listed on our calendar as a specific date
- Sent in weekly email updates until the specific date has passed
- Great option for registration deadlines and events
1 Calendar date - $30
3 Calendar dates - $60
Member Discount: $10 off either pacakge
- Calendar dates must be within 45 days of date of purchase.
- Bold headline - Up to 10 words
- Copy - Up to 50 words
- Picture - JPG file required.
5. * |
What Calendar date package would you like to purchase? (1 required) |
6. * |
What date(s) (MM/DD/YYYY) would you like your event to post? Dates must be within 45 days of the date you submit this form.
Please list ONE for $30 package and THREE for $50 package. |
9. * |
Event Description:
If you want any of the above contact information shared publicly, please include that here in the event description as well. |
Email picture: Pictures must be JPG format. Email picture to Amy Eckel at amylarae@gmail.com. Use the same email if you have questions or problems.
Based on the listing option you choose, you will be emailed an invoice to pay before your ad will be posted.