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Dr. Julie Ryle To All Instructors

I am a CM homeschooling mom of four children, three by the miracle of birth and one by the miracle of adoption. I earned my PhD in math in 2009 from the University of Alabama. Since then, I have taught math in a variety of venues, from gifted middle school math classes to college courses. Co-founding Climbing Higher Math with Tabitha has been such a blessing to me! I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to engage with CM students from around the US (and Canada!). Though I have always loved math, teaching in this environment has deepened my appreciation for the natural applications of math all around us.

Current Classes
SP Algebra 1 – (open)
SP Geometry – (open)
Asynchronous Geometry – (open)
Live Algebra 2/Trig – (open)
Live Geometry – (open)