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Prospective Member Application

indicates a required answer

Thank you for your interest in our co-op! Below are the steps to applying for membership in SHAPAC.

1. Fill out this form.

2. While you wait to be contacted, on the left hand side of the homepage go to the ABOUT US, FAQs, and CLASS MATRIX to learn more about how our co-op works and answer any questions you may have. The interview will allow us to get to know you, your needs, answer all your questions, and make sure that your family is a good fit for our co-op before moving forward. 

3. After the interview, if you are contacted saying that your family is accepted into the co-op, and you are ready to commit to the whole year, send in your $225 non-refundable family registration deposit (payment info is at the bottom of the email).

4. When your deposit is received, you will receive another email with the information how to proceed with registration. 

Thank you! 


1. *

Parent Name (First and Last):

2. *

City in which you live:

3. *

Parent Email (please do not use an email address from icloud.com, me.com, or mac.com - they do not receive emails from our platform Homeschool-Life.com):

4. *

Parent Phone: (please use format xxx-xxx-xxxx)

5. *

How did you hear about us?

 (1 required)
From a SHAPAC member Google/Internet
Friend/Family Homeschool Group (THSC, FAITH, GCCHS)
Facebook Other
6. *

Do you go to church somewhere? If so, where?

7. *

Did you have a job or career before homeschooling? If so, what was it?


If you have a college degree, in what discipline is it?

9. *

How long have you homeschooled?

10. *

What are your children's names and their ages/grades?

11. *

Do any of your children have special needs? If yes, please explain.

12. *

Is your husband supportive of homeschooling and/or the decision to join a co-op? Is he interested in participating?

13. *

Who will be bringing the children to co-op?

14. *

Are there only specific class periods that you are interested in, or all 6?

15. *

Do you have a full sized piano or keyboard at home? If you plan to sign up for a class requiring an instrument, are you prepared to rent/buy an instrument?

16. *

Can you walk up stairs?

Yes No
17. *

Can you lift 40 pounds?

Yes No
18. *

Can you receive text messages while at co-op?

Yes No
19. *

What classes would you be willing to teach?

 (1 required)
Choir Intermediate Guitar
Preschool General Music
Band Sectionals PE
Art Drama
Beginning Guitar Nursery
Piano Recorder
Beginning Strings Intermediate Strings
Music Theory Dance
Percussion None
20. *

Do you have middle school or later experience in any of the following?

 (1 required)
Singing/Choir Visual Arts
Read music PE
Played instruments Ballet/Dance
Nursery Drama/Theater
None of the Above
21. *

Do you understand that the commitment to SHAPAC is for the whole school year?

Yes No
22. *

Do you understand the fees and when they are due? (Registration fee (non-refundable), insurance, tuition, background check)

Yes No