Untitled Header Image Professional People of Faith Providing Academic Services Honor and Integrity are Pathways to Success Less Stressed Kids Can Learn Anything

Sarah Gary To All Instructors

An honor graduate of Virginia Tech and proud Hokie, Sarah has been on a formal path of life-long learning since the late 1990s. As a former classroom and Head Start teacher, she has worked in Virginia and Florida with students with a variety of needs and backgrounds. After moving overseas to the remarkable island of Guam, Sarah had the opportunity to teach with Central Texas College before returning to Virginia. She delights in home educating her three sons (one now in college, one a senior, and one in middle school) and privately tutoring other children. Being a passionate advocate for remaining a learner for life is another of her joys. Modelling this philosophy, she even included her children in helping to write and test curriculum for other home educators and coordinating home education support opportunities in her community. Sarah is also a voracious reader and ardent supporter of public libraries, semi-decent gardener, and lover of just enough coffee to justify her mug of flavored creamer. She also enjoys community service and bringing out the hidden talents in others. “Ut Prosim” is more than a motto. “That I May Serve” is the backbone of her personal and professional philosophy. Her children will tell you she likes “boring English shows.” They frequently get annoyed during geography discussions when a place is mentioned and she says “Oh, I’ve been there, let me find my pictures.” Sarah loves a good adventure. How may she serve you on your learning journey?

Current Classes
3rd Grade Academy - 2024 – Instructor (open)
3rd Grade Math ONLY - 2024 – Instructor (open)
Adventures in Literature - 2024 – (open)
Project-Based Learning Adventures - 2024 – Instructor (open)
Movies as Literature - 2024 – Instructor (open)
Creative Writing - 2024 – (open)