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Testing Services at PATHS

PATHS Entrance Testing

Academic admissions testing is required for all students entering PATHS academic classes for the first time, including the Academy program and individual math classes. Entrance testing assesses math and literacy skills and is $50 per student.

Academic admissions testing is not required for electives at PATHS, such as art, PE, STEM/STEAM, music, etc. Admission into the therapeutic program requires more specific testing. See below for more information.

 Schedule Admissions Testing 

PATHS Achievement Testing

Achievement testing is available for all eligible students. These achievement tests are open to students and non-students of PATHS. PATHS offers the:

IOWA Test: (grades K-12) All Academy students take the IOWA test in the spring. Students are assessed in reading, math, social studies, science, and language arts over multiple days.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children–V (WISC-V): (ages 6-16) intelligence testing, available year-round

  • WISC testing is required for entrance into individual educational therapy.

Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test IV (WJ): (ages 6 to adult), detailed academic and fluency testing available year-round

  • WJ testing is required for entrance into individual educational therapy and small-group therapeutic classes.

* IOWA testing registration opens in the spring. Please look for an email from the office to register for IOWA testing.

 Schedule WISC-V or WJ Testing 

Specific Test Information

Iowa Test: (Grades K-12)

All Academy students take the IOWA test in the Spring.

IOWA testing is available to other academic students as well. Students are assessed in groups in reading, math, social studies, science, and language arts over multiple days.

Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test IV: (ages 6 to adult)

The Woodcock-Johnson Achievement IV (WJ) assesses academic skills, fluency, and knowledge using 20 subtests. The Woodcock-Johnson offers Percentile Ranks, Age Equivalent, and Grade Equivalent scores in the following areas:

Broad achievement, broad reading, basic reading skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency, reading rate, broad mathematics, math calculation skills, math problem-solving, broad written language, basic writing skills, written expression, academic skills, academic applications, academic fluency, academic knowledge (science, social studies, and humanities), phoneme-grapheme knowledge and reading vocabulary.

PATHS offers all three parallel forms of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement test. The WJ can be repeated annually and conducted yearly for educational therapy students. Students are tested individually with the Woodcock-Johnson; the cost is $175 and takes approximately 3 hours.

Intelligence Scale For Children–V (WISC-V): (ages 6-16)

The WISC-V is an IQ test designed for children. It contains 21 subtests that tap into several aspects of intelligence, such as verbal comprehension, visual-spatial, fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. The test is used for children with learning disabilities through high giftedness and looks for patterns of strengths and weaknesses. Students are tested individually with the WISC; the cost is $275 and takes approximately 3 hours. The results are valid for three years.


The WISC, when compared to the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement test, compares potential (IQ) and actual academic achievement. We also compare the WISC index scores to the full-scale IQ and each other. We are educators and do not diagnose. We use the patterns of strengths and weaknesses to recommend Educational Therapy or other classes at PATHS of Hampton Roads.

The WISC-V and WJ results are reviewed with the parent(s) over Zoom. After the meeting, PDF copies of the report(s) are emailed.


Families are welcome to use any reputable testing center for their testing needs and are not obligated to use PATHS for testing for the Educational Therapy Program or Therapeutic classes.