Untitled Header Image Professional People of Faith Providing Academic Services Honor and Integrity are Pathways to Success Less Stressed Kids Can Learn Anything

Alex Osuna To All Instructors

Hi there! I'm Alex Osuna. I have 27 years of experience in the technology field as a software engineer and web developer. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Computer Information Systems. I'm deeply passionate about music, playing the drums for 33 years and currently active in a rock band playing drums, guitar, bass, and singing.

I've dedicated myself to education and parenting. I've been tutoring young minds for the last 5 years at the Classical Conversations Christian Co-op and homeschooling my own 10-year-old son with an ADHD type brain. Inspired by my son's unique learning needs, I created IdeaForge Academy Create Camp as a way of engaging children who think and learn differently. Finally and most importantly, I aim to create a supportive and safe environment for a child's growth while at the same time making learning super fun, exciting, and engaging!

Current Classes
Game Development - 2024 – Instructor (open)
Intro to Web Development, Audio, Visual, and Video Technology - 2024 – Instructor (open)