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Oklahoma Parental Choice Credit

Oklahoma now offers tax credits of up to $7,500 per student for private school tuition and fees. 

Cornerstone Classical Academy is an accredited institution and eligible to participate in the Oklahoma Private School Tax Credit program for the 2025-2026 school year.

Current and newly enrolled CCA students may be eligible and are encouraged to apply beginning February 18, 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the private school tax credit?

A refundable income tax credit is allowed for certain Oklahoma taxpayers who pay, or expect to pay, tuition and fees to an eligible private school on behalf of an eligible student. An eligible taxpayer is someone who is subject to the tax laws of the state of Oklahoma, and who is a biological or adoptive parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, legal guardian, custodian, or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of the eligible student.

Who qualifies as an eligible student?

A student who is a resident of Oklahoma and is eligible to enroll in an Oklahoma public school. Additionally, the student must be enrolled in and attending an eligible private school in Oklahoma.

What expenses qualify?

“Qualified expense” means tuition and fees at a private school accredited by the State Board of Education or another accrediting association, which includes the Oklahoma Private School Accrediting Commission (OPSAC) and any OPSAC-recognized accrediting associations. Fees include:

  • Textbook Fees
  • Technology Fees
  • Activity Fees
  • Testing & Assessment Fees

What is the maximum amount of tax credit for which I may be eligible?

The maximum amount of the credit is determined by the total federal AGI of the student’s household during the second preceding year.

Federal AGI                                                                                                MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF CREDIT PER YEAR

$0 – $75,000                                                  $7,500
$75,00 – $150,000                                        $7,000
$150,000 – $225,000                                    $6,500
$225,000 – $250,000                                    $6,000
$250,000 and up                                           $5,000 


What do I need to do to receive consideration?

For the 2025/2026 School Year, the application period  will be February 18th, 2025 through April 18th, 2025.

Applications will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please note that submitting an application during this period does not guarantee eligibility for the credit. Only properly submitted applications approved by the OTC will be eligible for the credit until the cap is met.

What if I have more than one child who is eligible for the credit?

In the case of having multiple eligible students, the taxpayer may receive the tax credit for each eligible student. For example, if the federal AGI of the household where the students reside is less than $75,000, the taxpayer may qualify for up to $7,500 per year per eligible student.

It is important to note that a separate application must be completed and submitted for each eligible student for each tax year.

How do I apply?

To claim the private school tax credit, you will apply online at www.parentalchoice.ok.gov. You will need to upload with the application a completed Enrollment Verification Form and a copy of the Oklahoma income tax return or the federal income tax return for the second preceding tax year of the household of which the student is a member. 

The Oklahoma Tax Commission will send the Enrollment Verification Form to the parents of all students who have completed the admissions and registration process at Cornerstone Classical Academy for the 2025/2026 School Year.

What does the "second preceding tax yar" mean?

If you are applying for the private school tax credit for 2025/2026 School Year, you must provide a copy of the 2023 Oklahoma income tax return or federal income tax return of the student’s current household.

Do I apply for the credit once a year, or do I need to apply before each school semester?

Only one application is required for each school year. For the 2025/2026 School Year the application process will open on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.

I am a current CCA family. What do I need to do?

Update your 2025/2026 CCA Registration by logging into your account at cornerstoneclassicalacademy.com.

I am considering applying for my student for the 2025-2026 school year. What do I need to do?

Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year open on January 20, 2025.  Because there is a cap on total tax credit funds, and funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, we encourage families considering CCA to apply at their earliest opportunity. Families will be provided with information on how to apply for an Oklahoma Tax Credit when they have completed the appropriate steps in the enrollment process.