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Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. -- II Corinthians 3:5


Southeastern Indiana Christian Home Educators, in agreement with, but not a part of Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE), is a ministry of Christian families who come together to give and receive the support and resources that will more fully enable them to provide a home education for their children in which the Lord Jesus Christ is central and supreme. Parents will be encouraged in their walk with Christ so that they will be further equipped to raise children who live out the character, truth and compassion of Christ in their unique, God-given life purposes.


SEICHE defines home education as parent-directed, home-based, privately funded discipleship. Our mission is to support families that seek to provide a Christ centered, home-based education separate from state sponsored programs. 


Families enrolled in a virtual school through the public school system are not eligible for SEICHE membership; this also extends to students receiving an ESA (Indiana Educational Scholarship Account).


Homeschool families that enroll their students in their local school's classes or programs, may still be eligible for SEICHE membership as long as the parents are providing the majority of their student's education. It is our opinion that as long as families are providing more than 50% their child's education at home, that they are still operating a "parent led" homeschool.


The name of this organization shall be Southeastern Indiana Christian Home Educators (SEICHE).

Although SEICHE is an acronym, it is also an actual word (pronounced sash, with a long a), and is referring to the ripple effect that occurs in a land-locked body of water. The vision for SEICHE is to have a ripple effect in our area, by helping to build strong families that shine the light of Christ in our neighborhoods, communities and world. This vision includes rippling out to the various rural areas in Southeastern Indiana to support Christian home educating families by providing them with opportunities for participation in activities and events that can only happen in a larger group association.