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Request Membership in SEICHE!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

All home school families are welcome to use the public pages of this web site regardless of membership.

However, to Login and enter the Private Pages you must be a member of SEICHE.

Filling out and submitting the following information is not a commitment on your part. It simply starts the process to let us know you are interested.

Membership application steps are:

  • Complete and submit this form via email.
  • Within a few days, our new members contact will contact you. 
  • After membership approval, please submit your membership enrollment fee to SEICHE.
  • Once your membership is approved you will receive access to use this website and will begin receiving Weekly Updates of SEICHE news and events. You will also be able to view SEICHE private pages not accessable to non-members.


All members must read and agree to the Statement of Faith. and agree to abide to the Code of Conduct which is found here: https://www.homeschool-life.com/90/file_retrieve/100575

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Yes No

Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


Add Child

Yes No

Forum Emails:

Yes No
Yes No
Whole Thread New Part Only
Yes No

Classifieds Emails:

Yes No Yes No

Additional Questions

SEICHE reserves the right to refuse membership to any family.

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.

Payment Instructions

Please mail your dues by Sept. 1 as I will need to make a payment for our website services. After Sept. 1 families not paid will be "parked" - families not paid by Sept. 15 will be deleted.


Please send payments to:


c/o Rachel Evans

411 Gaslight Dr

Versailles, IN 47042