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Science Fair is March 13th from 6pm-8pm.  Doors open at 5:00 for set up.  Judging starts at 6pm.

Students can choose from two categories:

1.    Descriptive: This is basically a science report that describes an existing situation — types of volcanoes, how an electric car works, for example — with maybe a visual aid requirement. 


      Demonstration: This type of project is a demonstration of a known science principle or phenomenon, such as floating a needle to demonstrate water tension.

2.  Experimentation: Students are expected to use what they have learned about science processes to develop and carry out an 'experiment' using the scientific method, keep a log book, and to report findings.

Awards will be given for 1st and 2nd place within each age group.  Students can work together to submit an entry, or they can submit an entry individually. 

Age categories are as follows:  5-7,  8-10,  11-14,  15-19

The science buddies website also has great resources for determining a topic. 

You can take this questionnaire and it will give you some possible projects based on your child’s interests. 

In addition, you can consider these questions….

To help your child come up with his own science project, use these question-starters:

  •  Think about things that puzzle you. When was the last time you wondered why something happened or how something worked? Look at categories that interest you, such as sports, gardening, or even video games. Look at television commercials and question their claims.

  •  Ask open-ended questions such as, "What is the effect of x on y? How does x move? How does 'y' react when you blow on it?"

If you are considering the “experiment” category, we have some great resources for you to explore.  

First, we recommend you watch the linked videos from NASA about science fairs.  Then, you can determine the topic. 

Overview for how to create a science fair project

Step 1- Come up with an idea

Step 2Ask a testable question

Past Science Fair


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