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Welcome to HEARTS for the Lord Academy

For over 25 years, HEARTS for the Lord Academy has supported homeschooling families by providing a Christ-centered education in an amazing school environment. We are a 501(c)3 Christian faith-based group which endeavors to walk with the Lord in all we do. We serve approximately 75 homeschooling families with over 100 students.  

HEARTS offers classes for 7th - 12th grade homeschool students that intend to homeschool through high school. This allows students to not only develop strong academic skills but also peer relationships that will last for years. Additionally, we offer dual-enrollment support classes for our students that move on to take college level courses while still in high school. 

*Please note, students must have completed a full year of homeschooling prior to applying to HEARTS for the Lord. Private or public on-line education is not able to fill this requirement. Our focus is in assisting families that plan to homeschool through high school and that are an exclusively homeschooling family.

For General Information about HEARTS, please visit our frequently asked questions. 

Please click here to request more information and/or apply.
Please contact registration@heartsforthelord.org for additional questions.

HEARTS Statement of Faith and Mission

Our Statement of Faith
We believe:

In one God, eternally existing in three persons – God the Father, God the Son (who is the Lord Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit – each of who is equal in being, power, and glory.

In the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, (John 3:16) His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death for our sins, His bodily resurrection, and His personal literal return.

The Bible is the living, inspired, and infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). It is without error in its original writings and constitutes God’s completed and final revelation.

That every person is created by God in His image as male or female. Marriage is made for one man and one woman for life as a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church. This being part of God's created order of life, all sexual activity outside of God's created order is sinful. (Gen 1:27, 2-22; 1 Thess 4:3; Eph 5:3)

That man is saved by grace through faith and nothing of man enters into his salvation; it is a free gift. Man’s efforts, regardless of how good or well intended, before or after salvation, have no bearing on one’s salvation. Salvation is only by the finished work of Christ. (Eph. 2:8,9)

Our Mission
We strive to create a Christ-centered learning environment that is honoring God in all we say and do. Our goal is to train the next generation of Christian leaders by equipping them with the skills needed to confidently serve their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, no matter the setting. We want to come alongside each family to further their desire for a lifestyle based on biblical truth and morals. To support both our beliefs and our students’, we want both HEARTS and the home to be under the same authority of God. 

Course Offerings

CLICK HERE to see our course offerings.
Click directly on the course to see a full course description. 

If you have questions about course availability, or need help deciding which course may be the right fit for your family, please contact registration@heartsforthelord.org.

We offer Science (Apologetics, General Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Biology, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry), Writing/Literature, Math (Pre-Algebra through Pre-Calc), Personal Finance/Intro to Business, Economics/Entrepreneurship, Foreign Language (Latin & Spanish), SAT Prep, Art, U.S. History, World  History, Government, Lost Tools of Writing, IEW, Psychology, dual-enrollment support for college level courese, dual enrollment Apologetics and MORE! All coursework uses curriculum that is biblically based and Christ-centered. 

HEARTS has a student council, field trips, prom, and clubs. Students may also join various sports teams with local private schools.

Higher Education Success

From the sciences to the arts, HEARTS students have had great success in pursuing their high education!  For those that desire college prep, we are more than happy to help both the student, and the family, navigate a successful pathway to reach academic goals.  Our students have been successful at a variety of colleges and universities.  A complete list can be found here.

  • James Madison University

  • West Point Military Academy

  • Liberty University

  • University of Virginia

  • Virginia Tech

  • Old Dominion University

  • Abilene Christian University

  • Virginia Commonwealth University

  • Bridgewater College

  • Cedarville University

HEARTS is a 501(c)3 Christian faith-based group. Your donation is tax-deductible.