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Mrs. Christy Shipe To All Instructors

Mrs. Shipe has been involved in teaching debate for the past twenty years. As a homeschool graduate herself, her first opportunity to learn debate was in college at Cedarville University. She competed for three years on the Cedarville Debate team, earning the Outstanding Graduate Award for the National Educational Debate Association in 1998 during her senior year. During her junior year of college, she was hired by the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) to start a debate league for homeschool students. After graduating summa cum laude with a degree in political science, she continued to run the debate league until the birth of her third child. HSLDA debate eventually grew into the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA), a national speech and debate league for homeschool students. Mrs. Shipe continued to serve on the Board of Directors and is currently Chairman of the NCFCA Board. She is the author of three debate textbooks. She and her husband Rich, pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Ashburn, are the homeschooling parents of five children.

Mrs. Shipe leads a Debate Club that meets weekly during the school year and has options for travel for debate competition. 

Current Classes
Club: Speech & Debate – (closed)
MS Intro to Public Speaking (Wed) – Instructor (closed)
U.S. History (Thurs) – (closed)