Untitled Header Image Our academics are both rigorous and engaging. Christ-centered curriculum Students participate in special events, including a high school prom. We are glad you are here!

Mrs. Lemar Rolon To All Instructors

Mrs. Rolan has a B.A. degree in Business Administration. She worked in a non-profit organization for a few years, but in 2008 her husband and she began a school at their church in Puerto Rico, where she worked as a teacher and school director. During these years she taught almost all subjects to Kindergarten through 9th grade. Her family moved to Virginia in June of 2018 because her husband Alexis, who has been a pastor for almost 20 years, was asked to come and serve in a Hispanic church with three sites: Manassas, Arlington, and Franconia. Along with this big change, she and her husband also decided to homeschool their 2 kids. Mrs. Rolon has taught Spanish courses in our community for many years. She is excited to add Spanish III to our offerings, in addition to Spanish I and Spanish II. 

She loves cooking, baking, and spending time with her family. She works with the women’s and worship ministries at her church and also runs her own business with Rodan and Fields, a prestige skin-care company. She also leads the HEARTS Spanish Club.


Current Classes
Dual-Enrollment Spanish – (closed)
Spanish I (Mon, Wed) – (closed)
Spanish I (Mon, Wed) – (closed)
Spanish II (Mon, Wed) – (closed)
Spanish II (Mon, Wed) – (closed)
Spanish III (Mon, Wed) – (closed)
Spanish III (Mon, Wed) – (closed)