Untitled Header Image Our academics are both rigorous and engaging. Christ-centered curriculum Students participate in special events, including a high school prom. We are glad you are here!

Cathy Cordova To All Instructors

Mrs Cordova grew up in rural Northeast Ohio where she was a band and drama geek honors student in her tiny high school. She fled the state to study Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan (GO BLUE!  Sorry, Mrs. Jones.)  After graduation she worked for fifteen years at Edwards Air Force Base in California on the F-15 Eagle, the RQ-4 Global Hawk, and the Airborne Laser programs. She completed her Masters in Systems Management from USC.  While in California, she met Jesus and her husband, Wes...and yes, in that order.  

Mrs Cordova has three kids and loves the freedom that homeschooling has provided them over the past seven years.  She has taught science out of her home for three years and is infamous for her hands-on history workshops and Shakespeare classes.

In her spare time (haha!) she loves gardening, canning, scrolling through Facebook and browsing Pinterest in search of knitting and crafting projects that she will never have time to start.  Her family attends Cornerstone Chapel (late service, IYKYK) where they are also K group leaders.

Mrs. Cordova CAN NOT WAIT to get started with competition Robotics!

Current Classes
Robotics 1 & Competition Team – (closed)