Cornerstone Co-op Cornerstone Co-op

Family Responsibilities at Cornerstone Co-op

Since we are a co-op we share responsibilities as a group. Morning Set Up, Lunch Duty, and Closing Clean-Up will be shared between all registered families equally. We will do our best to take into account different family's needs.

Families: a minimum of 3 days assigned per year in which you will do all three above listed duties. Specific duties will be able to be swapped out with other families to accommodate each family's individual needs and abilities, but a total of 6 shifts will be necessary.

Teachers: Steering will do their best to give teachers a period off. However, if there are not enough families as part of the co-op, a period off cannot be guaranteed. Only returning families are eligible to teach.

Assistants: You will be required to assist 2 out of the 3 periods. Steering will do their best to give assistants a period off. However, if there are not enough families as part of the Co-op, a period off cannot be guaranteed. Assistants may request classes they wish to assist with or will be assigned.

In the event we are short helpers for any of our co-op positions, on any co-op day, we will assign volunteers from those parents who have that period free. We are a co-op and need to help out when and where needed even if we did not sign up for that job.