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Mrs. Nancy Djerf To All Instructors

Nancy is a seasoned homeschooler of seven children. The Djerf’s began their home school journey before it was popular, which makes Nancy one of the pioneers of the movement in Minnesota. She has taken delight in mentoring other mothers in their home school challenges and she continues to support families as they make educational decisions on behalf of their children.  She has been a home school consultant with T.E.A.C.H. Institute and was a co-founder of Teach Co-op.  She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. degree in Therapeutic Recreation and Child Development, worked as a Child Life Specialist at Minneapolis Children's Hospital, and she and her husband were youth pastors for a number of years.  Her skill as a teacher of the primary students is well established and she has skillfully taught IEW classes to middle and high school students as a Accredited IEW Instructor since 2008.  She has been affectionately called, "The Child Whisperer," due to her keen ability to reach and teach both the gifted student as well as the struggling student...and all the students in-between!  

Current Classes
Writing Fundamentals 1 IEW (W1) – Tutor (open)
Writing Fundamentals 1 IEW (W4) – Tutor (open)
Writing Fundamentals 2 IEW – Tutor (open)