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Mrs. Tanya Stewart To All Instructors

German was my first language, followed quickly by English. I was raised bilingual by my mother who was born and raised in Germany. Growing up, we spoke German at home and traveled to Germany every summer. I earned a high school diploma -- twice, once in the U.S. and once in Germany. I also took biology twice--once in the U.S. and once in Germany. To graduate with a German high school diploma I was also required to take chemistry and physics. Later I taught science in various settings, including as an ESL teacher, and as a home school co-op teacher. Science is all about learning about our Father's world - the rules that make the material world work. It was a joy to come back to science spring 2020, when a physical science teacher was needed at WEST!

I studied at the University of Frankfurt (Germany). I earned my teaching degree at George Mason University in Virginia, where I also taught ESL science and German in the Fairfax County Public School system. Later, my husband and I and our 3 boys moved to Minnesota, where the boys have now graduated from the Stewart homeschool academy.

Having grown up bi-cultural and bilingual, I have experienced firsthand how different the world can "look" from different worldviews.  Yet Jesus is accessible, no matter from which direction one comes. I have long been a fan of Francis Schaeffer, Ravi Zacharias, Dr. Frank Turek, Ken Ham, J.Warner Wallace and others, who help us understand ourselves and Jesus through differing lenses. In the worldview class, we will learn how every worldview represents a person's journey to find answers to the heart's big questions of life.

Teaching is a joy and a challenge for me. Every student is unique, bringing a different story and different set of skills to the classroom. Together we will seek to develop those abilities for the good of society and the glory of God by maximizing wholeheartedly the opportunities set before us. Soli Deo gloria!

Current Classes
German 1 – Tutor (open)
German 4 – Tutor (open)
Logic & Critical Thinking Skills (Fall Only) – Tutor (open)
Physical Science (W1) – Tutor (open)