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Mrs. Angie Smith To All Instructors

Psychology has been a part of Angie's life since elementary school when my mother returned to college to get her own degree in the field.  For the sake of practice and analyzing us, she gave me and my sisters personality tests, constantly asked how we felt about various things in life, and helped us to understand the things we were going through in those developmental years were normal.  We found Myers Briggs to be particularly interesting. 

During high school and the early years of college, Angie took a few psychology courses but never pursued a degree or employment in the field.  She eventually worked in the insurance industry, met her husband in 1998, got married in 2001, and had two boys in 2003 and 2005.  Angie chose to be a stay-at-home mom until her youngest was old enough to be in school full time, at which point she worked for her chiropractor as an office manager.  Though this was a great opportunity, after three years, Angie was encouraged to pursue her love for photography and start her own portrait photography business, which is now called Bobeedy Photography, LLC.  Bobeedy was officially established in 2015, growing this small business has been an absolute blast for Angie!  

Because growing or challenging herself physically, spiritually, or mentally is a part of who Angie is, she decided to go back to college in 2016 to get her degree in psychology.  Angie's first class was at Metro State.  Because the foundation of psychology was rooted in Darwinism and felt incredibly secular, she looked elsewhere and thankfully landed at the University of Northwestern St. Paul where she felt much more at home.  The combination of Christianity and psychology was fascinating to Angie.  Every essay she wrote included scripture to back up why she was thinking, feeling, and saying.  It was fantastic!  Angie finished the two-year adult FOCUS program and graduated with distinction.  Because her boys are now teenagers and will be going off to college themselves soon, Angie did not want to take away from their college funds to pursue her master’s degree, yet. She figures the day will come and God will show her how to move forward in the field of psychology.  In the meantime, Angie finds herself using psychological concepts and tools in various relationships as well as during photo shoots-especially during family photo sessions and senior photo sessions.  

Teaching is another thing Angie enjoys, no matter the age being taught.  She taught children’s Sunday school for years at Calvary Lutheran Church many years ago.  Angie has also facilitated small groups and led a BSF discussion group (when they studied REV!).  To be a Course Assistant in a Christian setting discussing the basics of psychology sounds like a little piece of heaven.

Current Classes
Introduction to Photography (NOTE: 9:30-10:30) – Tutor (open)