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Teacher Policy

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a new SEEK Teacher, you must submit this Teacher Application before you will be able to teach.  Teacher Application (homeschool-life.com)


We are grateful that you are willing to teach for SEEK this year AND that you are willing to prep your class for the students who need your guidance! Without YOUR investment, our co-op simply would not run.Wewant to encourage you all in a few areas and perhaps clarify our co-op expectations. Many of you are veterans to teaching at SEEK, so these would just be reminders for you.

Prior to starting your teaching term(s):

  • Check the details for your class on the website schedule– be as clear as possible as to the expectations you have for student work and grading policy and in the summary of what you will cover in the class. Also check to make sure that your price is listed accurately.
  • Create a syllabus (can be very simple or detailed depending on your preference or teaching style) and make sure that parents have a copy (either through email, homework websiteor student folder) so that parents know what you expect of them. This is not a 'requirement' per se but creating a list of topics covered or assignments listed, etc is very helpful in teacher/parent communication.
  • Save the parent email addresses for your class(es) so that you can easily communicate with them if/when necessary. The class ROSTER available to you on the CLASSROOM DASHBOARD section of the website (for help on navigating that, go HERE). Communicating only with students is frequently not helpful for our parents so please make sure that you are emailing PARENTS.

During Teaching Term:

  • Carry your class roster to class each weekand take attendance so that you can perform a head count IF we were to have a fire drill or emergency which required you to take your students out to the parking lot. Leadership can email these at any time. 
  • Ask your parent volunteer helper to AID you in hand outs, student focus, or any other way that you need. Use your helpers!
  • IF you have a student who is exhibiting disruptive or poor behavior please refer to SEEK's Discipline Policy, which can be found in the Co-op menu tab under "What We Do" Co-op Policy tab.