Registration Process
Current Members: Your $200.00 Annual Membership Dues are due before you can register for classes!
Pay using PayPal by clicking "Balance" on the top right or by check.
Please read and agree to the Attendance Policy before registering.
New Members, you must first apply online at by “Requesting Membership” and follow instructions you receive in the custom email response if your application is approved. Membership applications open March 15th, 2025. These will go into an 'pool'. After all current members have registered, we will determine if we have space and contact you mid to end of May. Please read over the Membership Handbook before signing the membership agreement. This is located on the website under Membership (on the top horizontal menu bar): Handbook. Please know that space is limited at co-op and we are not always able to admit every family. If your membership is approved you will be able to access the member area of the website. Also, please note that you must pay your $200.00 annual membership dues at this time. Dues must be paid before you will be allowed to register for classes.
ALL members: To register, please click on the upper tab, 'Registration', and then ‘Classes & Registration’ link to see a matrix of classes. When you click on a class you can see description, fees, teacher names, supply lists, etc about the class.
- Pay close attention to age restrictions on classes as well as any prerequisites. Please choose age-appropriate classes. You must register your child for classes in their age range. If you have a desire to register outside those guidelines you will need to wait until after registration has been completed for all members and new members. Then, if there is still room in your desired class, you need to come to leadership (NOT the teacher) to request approval. The leadership team will communicate with the teacher to see if it is possible. Teachers cannot give you permission.
- When your registration date opens, you need to log in using your username and password, then you will go to the matrix as stated above to register. Click on the class you desire and then you should see your children’s names with check boxes next to them. If you do not see your child's name, you need to make sure you added them to your profile (go to 'edit your profile'). You will choose the child you want registered in that class and then click ‘register’ to put that child(ren) into the class. At any time that you want to review what classes you have placed your children in, click on ‘view class summary’ in the upper right of the matrix of classes.
- For our upcoming 2025-26 school year, registration will begin on different days for the following groups (all days will begin at 9:00 pm): Member Dues are due by May 1st for returning families-
- Teachers of 2 classes - May 1st
- Teachers of 1.5 classes (teaching one full class and co-teaching another class) - May 3rd
- Teachers of 1 class - May 4th
- Co-teachers of 1 class - May 5th
- Current members (that are not teaching or co-teaching) - May 6th
- New families - May 8th (Those that have requested membership and been approved. Once approved, please pay your membership dues ASAP. Dues must be paid prior to registering for classes)
- If you choose a class, and the system tells you the class is full, then please choose another class for that child. If no age-appropriate classes are available, you will need to place that child in the study hall for that period (if you plan to attend that period). Later, if an opening becomes available in a class, those in study hall will be notified, and given the spot in the class on a first-to-respond-to-notification basis. You may send an e-mail to leadership requesting your child is put on a waitlist for a class if it is full, but please register them for an alternate class.
- Please register each child that you plan to bring to co-op. We need to account for everyone who will be in the church on Thursdays, including those in the nursery. If a child is on-site, they must be registered in a class, even if it is Study Hall. Students are not allowed to just "hang out" on the property waiting for classes to start or finish without being in the presence of their parent.
To pay -
- Please pay your class fees after August 1st. If choosing Partial Payment Option (PPO), please see below for more information. Your first installment on a PPO is still due on August 1st.
- Here's the check out process for when you pay for your class fees.
- Click "View Summary" then "View Statement of Account" at the bottom of that page. You will see the amount of your outstanding balance. You enter the amount you would like to pay (either the full amount or the amount of your PPO) and then click "Pay Now". This will take you to PayPal where you can complete your payment. Alternatively, you are welcome to send in Check or Cash by mail, or hand deliver. If you choose the PPO option, please do fill out a PPO now. You may fill out the PPO form online or you may fill one out and send it in.
- Class Material Fee Payment will be due on August 1st: either 1st Partial Payment or in full by either Paypal or check (mail-in). If choosing PPO, please submit a Partial Payment Form. You can do this online (Registration, Partial Payment Form),
- Please note that no refunds will be issued until Aug. 1st when co-op reopens business for the new year.
- Payment questions please email:
Jobs matrix: everyone is asked to please also go to the JOBS Sign Up Matrix, found just below the Classes Matrix and choose your preferred positions to help at Thursday school. You can't tell how many job openings there are, so if you are able to select your name then the job is open. If you are unable to select that particular job, it is full and select your next choice. I will try to close the jobs that are full as they fill up.
- Jobs during blocks 1-4: Everyone gets one block free for fellowship in the Parent Room unless we need extra help at the time. Please choose a job for all blocks that you are on-site except for one. In some cases, if not all jobs are filled you will be assigned to a different job than you signed up for due to a greater need in another area. Teachers that are in First Block or Fourth Block will set up and tear down their own class room with the help of their TA. Remember your older children can always help with clean up and tear down!
Background checks need to be completed for BOTH parents. We will also require a copy of both parents driver’s licenses, military ID, or another form of state/ Federal issued ID’s. These are valid for two years. Please print and send in your background check forms either to our office or via mail.
All Families: Your $200.00 Annual Membership Dues are due before you can Register!