First Class Kitsap County Homeschool Co-op

General Policies & Information

Guests/Visitors: If you have a guest or visitor coming to co-op, please create them a name tag in the visitors log which is located in the back of the family files.  Any family member who may be bringing your students in your absence will need to fill out a background check form and wear a nametag. Unregistered children or other family members may not attend classes and must remain with you.

Nametags: Nametags are stored in your family folder. Adults and children should wear their nametags every Thursday where all can see (not bottom of shirt, backpack or other low visible location). Please return nametags to your family folder after your last block.  

Health and Wellbeing Policy: Please contact leadership about your teaching or helper job and STAY HOME if anyone in your family has experienced any of the following symptoms within 24 hours before co-op:

• Fever of 100° or higher, aches or chills

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

• Sore throat or productive cough

• Vomiting or diarrhea

• Sneezing or consistent runny nose, green mucus

• Skin rashes

• Any other questionable or concerning symptoms

Please have at least one full day of good health for EACH family member (Wednesday) before returning to co-op.  If sickness is present in your family, you must all stay home.

Last minute Thursday call-ins - contact Leadership at, NOT on social media or personal texts. We might not see it during the day, and we need that info!

Please have at least one full day of good health for each family member (Wednesday) before returning to co-op.

We understand it’s difficult when we meet one day per week. Teachers have been asked to make accommodations, including utilizing video lectures, meeting up for homework, etc.

Dress Code: We would like to encourage you to mutually respect your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as you attend co-op each Thursday. “Be devoted to one another in brother love. Honor one another above yourself.”  Romans 12:10  Please remember that modesty is not what YOU feel comfortable wearing, it is more about what makes those around you feel comfortable. Please consider that we have many different families with different views on this topic. We have an opportunity to extend grace to others by dressing more modestly than we might normally be comfortable with.

Lost and Found: Co-op has a lost and found, which is separate from the church's lost and found area. It is located in a box under the "Welcome Center" in the foyer. Please check for all of your things before leaving.  FCKC will donate items left behind at Christmas break, Spring break, and end of the year.

Snacks: Please no whole nuts or nut butters in the Toddler and Nursery Rooms. Anywhere else on campus is okay.  Please no dark juices/sodas.

Allergy Information:  PARENTS are ultimately responsible for direct communication with teachers about any allergy information for your child. First Class Kitsap County is NOT an allergen/nut-free facility.  Feel free to provide any alternative snacks or treats for your child in class, if you deem it necessary. Teachers have committed to making accommodations when available for students with allergies.

Lunch Time:  Families are welcome to eat lunch in the fellowship hall, outside or in the downstairs classrooms. Please do not eat in the sanctuary, nursery/toddler rooms, in the hallways or in the upper or lower portable. Please no dark juices and sodas. Parents: you are responsible for your child at all times. This includes any high schoolers that leave campus for lunch. Please have your students check in with you before they leave, and see they arrive back by the time chapel starts! Please do not allow your child to run or horseplay inside the building.On nice days, children are welcome to play outdoors. We will have outside play equipment available, or you may bring something from home, please make sure all is picked up when play time is over.  Adult supervision is required. Do not let your child run around unattended!

Age Requirement for Attendance: In order to attend co-op, you must have at least one child that is in Kindergarten or above.  

Chapel:  Co-op participants are strongly encouraged to attend chapel. Please sit together as a family and keep your children with you during this time. We have praise and worship, a short devotional, announcements, pledges, and a prayer to bless our co-op day. NO phones or electronics during chapel, as it is disrespectful, and a bad example. This means ADULTS too!

Snow/Inclement Weather Days:  If North Kitsap School District is closed or delayed, co-op classes may be canceled. Cancellations will be posted on the Facebook group and via newsletter email by 7:30 AM.

Parent Room:  This is a place where parents can visit during their free block time. Coffee will be provided! Families take turns bringing snack to share - four per week. The schedule is posted in the newsletter. Join other parents during this wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement!  Reminder: snacks and drinks are for parents only, not students.

Stewardship Policies: 


  • At 9:05, all outdoor doors to the main building, with the exception of the front door and one downstairs door, will be locked. Students wishing to enter the main building will need to use these two doors.
  • Security Guards will be trained to greet and question anyone they don’t know to verify identity. They will also be asked to report any unusual cars or activity in the campus parking lots.
  • Outside security help may be utilized at the leadership's discretion.
  • Please place your car placard in a visible location for security to be able to see.


  • If you see a mess, please don’t leave it. Step in and help clean it up. Feel free to recruit students around you. We want our students to take ownership and pride in our campus.
  • Please report any damage to equipment or to the building.

NO bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or pets allowed on campus.


  • Please keep out of the garden beds, use walkways. NO running or horseplay in the building.
  • Students are not permitted in the sound booth or stage, unless directed by an adult.