Our Co-op

First Class Kitsap County Co-op is a once a week co-op designed to bring children and parents together for a fun and safe learning environment. We are a year round co-op, running from September through May. This co-op format assists parents as a true compliment to their own homeschooling.
We offer both enrichment and academic classes. The academic classes can replace what you are currently using at home, as homework is a requirement for these types of classes. Enrichment type classes will engage your child in a fun filled environment. There are many opportunities to get your children involved with the Thursday school Co-op!
First Semester begins in early September and ends the Thursday before Thanksgiving. The second Semester begins in January and runs until mid May. (Exception: Some high school classes might meet outside our regular co-op days. Please see class description for more details on the class meeting extensions.)
Our co-op year is 29 weeks. We offer four periods of classes, and students grades K-12 may choose up to four classes to take each Thursday. ( Some Junior High and High School Classes have the option for “Drop-off Only” make up Days to make it a 30 week year) You decide how many periods you would like to register for (one, two, etc. it is all up to you).
Classes begins at 9:00 am followed by a lunch time and a dynamic chapel time, led by our chapel ministries team, finishing our day with 3rd and 4th periods (see website for co-op day and year schedule, or catalog for specific times). Co-op classes are 60 minutes long.
If you are currently homeschooling, then you have discovered something wonderful about your calling, you are a teacher! Thursday Co-op is a great opportunity for you to bless your children and other children by doing just that. Once each year in the spring you will have the chance to sign up to teach a subject that interests you.
While parents who enroll their children are not required to teach, we are dependent on their willingness to do so in order to offer a variety of classes for students. We ask all teachers or prospective teachers to sign a Christian, non-denominational Statement of Faith when they submit their class idea for review. See our Teacher Application Packet for more details.
Over the year, we hold many types of events and we look forward to having you and your family join us. Here is a peek at just a few!