SCOPE Christian Homeschool Co-op

Meet The Teachers

Meet the Teachers

2024-2025 School Year


Alexis Girling (PreK/K, Elementary, Middle School, and High School Spanish)

Alexis is a mother of five currently homeschooling her three youngest kids ranging in age from 3-12.  Her husband is an active duty member of the Army National Guard of Minnesota. Her favorite hobbies are cooking for her family, reading, organizing spaces, exercising, and learning new things. Her dream is to one day open her own bookstore that emphasizes the truth of God and encourages the desire to learn something new. She grew up in Puerto Rico, is the fourth child of a family of nine, therefore family unity and community are very important to her! 

Anne Ross (Math Tutoring, U.S. Geography)

Anne is a “retired” teacher with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with a Math minor, and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction.  She is married with two adult children, one son-in-love, three grandchildren, and one sweet rescue dog. She has lived in ten different states – making Hudson, WI their home since 2006.  Anne has been involved in the homeschool community since 2004, including as a SCOPE parent, teacher, and board member for several years. In her spare time, she loves to study the Bible, bake, volunteer, do jigsaw puzzles, travel, read and encourage others. She loves being a part of SCOPE!

Bethany Kaczmarek (Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School Writing, Middle School Literature)

Bethany has been homeschooling her own five kids since 2004 both in and out of America. When her family moved to Wisconsin they all jumped into the Somerset School District together. She's been recognized as teacher of the year in two Public Schools where she's taught Reading, Language Arts, and High School English. An avid reader and writer herself, Bethany just flat out believes that reading leads to thinking. She disguises learning to read and write effectively by making it fun but she wants kids to know that expressing ideas effectively and genuinely is a really important part of being a human who relates to other humans.  She's a professional editor, a published author, and she's on staff for a writers conference for Christian authors who write fantasy and sci-fi. Most of all, she is a fan of story because of the Author and Finisher of her faith. He knows what it is to be the very truest hero. You can find out more about her at

Crystal Randgaard (Elementary Drama, Secondary Drama)

Crystal’s journey with singing and performing started in elementary school and church. As she grew up she became more involved with drama in high school, college, and community theater. She currently resides in Hudson, WI. Along with spending time with family and her cats, she enjoys hiking at Willow River and catching as much sun as she can. This will be her second year teaching drama at SCOPE and she looks forward to the year to come!

Daniel Radke (How to Study the Bible)

Faithfully teaching students God's word is Daniel's vocational calling and delight! Since age 15, God has blessed him with the privilege of doing so in a variety of settings for children, teens, and young adults, including two years as a Christian school Bible and history teacher. Daniel serves full-time with Ambassador College of Bible and Ministry, a part of Teens for Christ in Hudson. He loves combining teaching with personal discipleship to equip students for both life and ministry. His educational background includes earning a BA in Biblical Studies and a BS in History from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul, and a MA in Biblical and Theological studies from Knox Theological Seminary. Daniel, and his wife Rachel, are a homeschooling family with three young children. They enjoy reading good books, playing board games, and taking walks along nature trails. Daniel is excited to be teaching high school students endeavoring together to grow, understand, and treasure Christ and His word! 

Debra Bilbrey (American Sign Language)

Debra has worked various jobs within the field of deafness. She was a dormitory counselor at SD School for the Deaf and worked for Communication Service for the Deaf in Sioux Falls, SD. It was through the collaboration of Communication Service for the Deaf and Augustana College that she was trained as a Sign Language Teacher. Debra also worked for various group homes located in the Twin Cities and River Falls, WI.

Debra has taught American Sign Language for various agencies under contract with Communication Service for the Deaf from 1986 – 1997, American Sign Language at the University of Wisconsin River Falls from 2008 – 2015 and Blaine High School, MN, 2015 - 2016. She has been with SCOPE since Fall, 2019. She has been married for 30 years to her husband Patrick who is hard of hearing. Her favorite hobbies are working on her Ancestry Account, reading, cooking, and watching tv. She is looking forward to another great year of teaching!

Ellen Finnigan (Creative Writing, Rhetoric) 

Ellen received a B.A. in English from Boston College and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Montana, where she won the 2008 Merriam-Frontier Award for distinguished achievement in writing. She has been teaching homeschooled kids online since 2008 and taught for nine years in the English and Literature department at Kolbe Academy, a classical school for homeschoolers. In 2023, she started her own company, Teach to the Text. This will be her second year teaching for SCOPE! She lives in Estes Park, Colorado. Ellen's classes will be online, as Colorado is a bit of a drive! 

Erin Pesha (Phyisical Education)

Sports have always been a part of Erin's life, whether playing herself, coaching or cheering her three children on. She has been homeschooling the last 9 years and just graduated her first daughter who is headed to Winona State to play women's golf. All of her children have been involved in many organized sports, so Erin undertands the importance of teaching kids team work, good sportsmanship, and the value of being active and healthy. Erin is looking forward to playing sports with your kids this year!

Grant Lind (Apologetics)

Grant was adopted as an infant into a Christian home. His parents were dairy farmers raising his seven siblings and attending church every time the doors were open. Reading and studying the Bible has always been a passion for Grant. He loves history and what better book is there to learn history from than the Word of God?! As an educator, Grant was blessed to turn his passion for teaching to sharing who God is and why Jesus is who he says he is through studies of Daniel (Grant's favorite book of the bible), and Revelation, much of the study reveals what we are currently facing in today's world. Having a Christian worldview is exceedingly important for a Christ-centered walk. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Grant taught for 12 years in public education and then 10 years teaching Bible courses for C.L.I.M.B. college. Grant believes this opportunity to teach with SCOPE is a gift from God, that he might  be used to teach about Him, and go deeper into His word with future generations. 

Leann Belz (Science 4-6 and Science 7-8)

Leann lives in Wisconsin with her family where she has been homeschooling for 17 years. She is grateful that 4 of her graduates were able to attend SCOPE and her younger children are excited to be a part of it! Leann loves her church and enjoys teaching Sunday school. She also enjoys gardening, outdoors, reading and learning. Leann holds a degree in Liberal Arts from the University of Wisconsin. She is looking forward to teaching science at SCOPE this year!

Leslie Glenn (Private Piano and Guitar Lessons)

Leslie lives in Stillwater with her husband and daughter.  Leslie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Theory and Composition from UW-LaCrosse and a Masters Degree in music from King’s College London.  She has taught private music for 10 years, has 10 years experience working in public schools as a literacy tutor, special education & kindergarten assistant, and 7 years of worship leading experience.  When Leslie isn't busy teaching, she enjoys getting outdoors and spending time with her family.

Mark Biros (Biology, Chemistry)

Mark Biros has a professional background in environmental science and public health. He has an undergraduate degree in biology from the University of Minnesota, a masters degree in environmental science from the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston, and completed coursework for a masters of arts in Teaching from Bethel University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. His work experience includes chemistry and research for the city of Houston, Texas as well as underground petroleum storage tankleak cleanup and ecological risk assessment for hazardous waste sites with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Mark taught science and rhetoric for three years at a classical school and began teaching science at SCOPE In 2009. He delights in learning and teaching biology and chemistry; he has been intrigued by science since he was in the seventh grade. Mark enjoys time with his wife and four children. He enjoys carpentry and playing the piano as well as being outdoors in all seasons: hiking, camping, skiing, playing and watching sports.

Morgan Dieveney (Science 1-3)

Morgan has lived with her husband and three children in Wisconsin for the last 9 years. She grew up on the MN side of the river but Wisconsin is definitely home! They have been a homechool family going on 5 years. Morgan is passionate about homeschooling and has felt called by God to do so. She and her kids have been attending SCOPE for three years. This is her second year on the SCOPE board as the Registrar. The growth and development of SCOPE as a whole while maintaining its Biblical worldview and integrity has also been a passion of hers. Morgan's hobbies include animals, gardening, traveling and time with her family. Morgan is an outside the box thinker and loves the "rabbit trails" the students bring her down! She is spontaneous, down to earth and sure to enjoy your kids and getting to know them! 

Patrick Richter (American Government & Civics)

Patrick was raised in Minneapolis, MN until he was twelve when he moved to a hobby farm in Amery, WI.  He attended the University of Wisconsin River Falls where he got a degree in history.  He has lived with his wife, Mandy, in River Falls since the late 90s and they have two daughters.  The vast majority of their education was homeschooling.  Patrick is a self employed painter and loves to get out fishing when he can. He is passionate about Government and looking forward to teaching at SCOPE. 

Stacy Kangar (Pre-K and Kindergarten)

Stacy and her husband have six boys. The oldest four have graduated from SCOPE and the youngest two are still attending classes.  Stacy has been homeschooling for 21 years and has been involved in various roles within Children's Ministry for 30 years. She thoroughly enjoys gardening and creating teas with herbs and flowers that she grows. Stacy is looking forward to working with the little ones at SCOPE this upcoming year!

TIm Shaw (American History, World History)

Tim is a graduate of the University of Northwestern with a degree in ancient and classical language and history. He considers himself the perpetual student, and his primary focuses in the last ten years have been in Ancient Egypt, Medieval Japan, and Church history. Although Tim was formally schooled growing up, as a confirmed autodidact, he has been informally homeschooling himself on the side since about the second grade. He lives in Brooklyn park with his daughter and son. In his spare time he reads, hikes, tends to his orchard, studies Japanese, and serves as his family's self appointed genealogist.

Wayne Beaman (Beginning, Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced Art)

Wayne Beaman has retired from teaching Visual Art after 35 years.  He builds art video lesson plans for Homeschool/Parochial school students.  He holds four degrees, including a Master of Education degree and an Administration degree.  He has been married for 43 years to his wife who is an elementary school teacher. They have children and five grandchildren.  He enjoys all sports, hunting, fishing, gardening, drawing, painting, cooking, and spending time with his family.